Importance of treating HVAC filters before the summer season
Bioactive Filer Treatment kills bacteria and viruses in the filter, including COVID 19 on application.

Importance of treating HVAC filters before the summer season

Summer is finally here, which means it’s time to get your #hvac system up and running. If you have not had your air conditioning unit checked out in a while, now is the perfect time to do so. If you have been putting off cleaning or replacing your filters for months on end, it may be time for some serious care. Here are some reasons why:

Properly treated filters will perform better, last longer, and cost less than their untreated counterparts.

During the summer, your HVAC system is put through a lot of stress. If you do not treat your filters before the start of summer season, your system will have to work extra hard—and that means it will end up costing more money. Investing in proper treatment for your filters will protect them from degradation and ensure that they can withstand high temperatures for longer periods of time.

One of the best ways to ensure a safe and energy efficient summer is to have your HVAC&R unit serviced before the seasons change.

Here are some benefits of having your system cleaned, along with how often you should clean it and what type of cleaning solution works best for you.

  • Increased Airflow: If you live in an area where pollen, dust or other allergens tend to be present in the air during certain seasons, then having your filters treated could be beneficial in helping you avoid unnecessary sneezing fits.
  • Reduced Noise, Odours & Dust: When a filter is not thoroughly cleaned, it can cause excessive noise as well as release inferior quality air into your place. A clogged filter also tends to get dirty quickly which can result in foul odours being emitted from vents throughout the place which may lead some people towards considering purchasing supplemental dehumidifiers or whole place humidifiers to combat these issues but luckily there is not necessarily anything wrong with either option if they are used properly!
  • Reduced Energy Consumption: Clean filters not only improve the airflow, but also reduces the energy consumption by the HVAC unit, therefore, saving additional money spent on running unclean HVAC units.

Untreated filters can strain your HVAC units and affect the quality of air it produces.

  • Filters can get clogged with dust, dirt and other contaminants including viruses and bacteria. This can strain your HVAC unit and affect the quality of air it produces leading to health risks.

Filters that have been overlooked for prolonged periods are more likely to degrade.

Summer season is the most intense period for air conditioners, as they must work harder to keep your place cool. If you regularly maintain your filters, you can prevent problems with the system and keep your home comfortable all summer long.

Filters that have been overlooked for extended periods are more likely to degrade, becoming clogged by dirt and dust as well as brittle and disintegrated. When this happens, they become ineffective at filtering contaminants from your indoor air quality while also creating a pathway for air flow through your HVAC system that decreases its efficiency at cooling or heating your place.


In conclusion, it is especially important to treat your HVAC filters before the start of summer. The AC unit will work better and last longer if you have treated your filter with a special coating application like the Aeris Bioactive Filter Treatment which prolongs the asset life, improves the HVAC unit airflow, and reduces energy consumption and operational cost. Moreover, the treatment kills bacteria and viruses in the filter, including COVID-19 on application. So go ahead and reach out to us at [email protected] and alternatively, learn more and order our product online here.


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