The importance of timely decision making
Time is money that cannot be printed.
One of the things we thrive on as a firm is agility and quick decision making , yet when it comes to talent acquisition at Senior levels the speed at which companies operate seem to be slower than optimal.
We therefore tend to seek alignment with the management including the owner of the process(HR) and other stakeholder the most important being the owner of the position or the boss of the position. This helps break through the hierarchical delays and improves speed of decision making. We have a fundamental belief that if any position is open for more than 6 months there is a problem on the demand ( compensation ) side or the supply side ( the kind of person needed ) or the JD cum brief needs to be reexamined. To help companies acquire the right talent we commit ourselves on the timeline and we take a guarantee to deliver shortlist in 4 weeks with an outer limit of 5 weeks for very difficult global / Technical searches.
Getting the right person within the right time frame can have a significant impact on the performance of the firm. Time is money that cannot be printed.