The Importance Of Time Out
Karita Beard
Building lucrative 20hr/wk consulting businesses | GENIUS framework ? Signature OFFER ? Workshop Acquisition SYSTEM to turn LinkedIn connections into clients in 50 days | Get the FREE TRAINING??
I have been hiding myself away for the last couple of months, working on the biggest project I've ever undertaken - It's been epic and it's ongoing but I've been LOVING it!
It's great to have something to get your teeth into, it's been stretching me and challenging me daily and has occupied my head morning, noon and night. I thrive when I've got a deadline and things to do, however, a few weeks ago I had to have a bit of a reality check as I've been putting myself under a lot of pressure, working all hours trying to keep all the balls in the air.
It hasn't helped that my husband has been away overseas quite a lot with work, I take my hat off to all the parents doing it on their own out there, because the added pressure of running the household with no support certainly hasn't helped my time constraints.
A few weeks ago I had a girls weekend planned with some great friends and as we got closer to it I started to consider pulling out. I just felt like I had too much on my plate to spare the time to go away for a couple of days and it was starting to stress me out.
I decided to voice my concerns with my good friend who was going too. I was worried that I wasn't going to enjoy it as I had too much on my mind. What I got was a stern talking to and the kick up the arse I needed! Her response was something like this....
"You do realise that you're doing exactly what you're telling others not to do, don't you. Remember why you started Truly You and why you close to leave the stressful life behind. You NEED this weekend away, I can see how much you're putting but you need to stop and take a breather".
Boy was she right.
She wasn't telling me something I didn't already know but sometimes you need people you trust to pull you into line and give you a few home truths and I appreciate her comments, I needed to hear it!
That's the thing about having good around you, people that are able to tell you what they think, knowing that they're saying it because they want the best for you, not because they're trying to be mean or highlight your flaws.
As it turns out the weekend was EXACTLY what I needed.
Some down time with great mates, relaxing, having fun with many many giggles - it was soooo good for the soul.
When we're running around like headless chickens we have a tendency to switch to autopilot, keeping ourselves constantly busy and just getting stuff done. We forget or don't feel that we have enough time to do the stuff that keeps us balanced, focused and in a good headspace.
Taking time out away from the computer enabled me to think things through, get some clarity over what I was doing and how to better utilise my time for the best results.
It also gave me the opportunity to re-evaluate where I was at mentally. I realised that I hadn't been doing as much 'inner' work as I'd been doing previously. I wasn't giving myself enough time for meditation, reading, journaling, three very simple things that make the world of difference to your mindset, especially when you're feeling under the pump.
Since returning from the girls weekend I've scheduled time very single morning and evening to focus on inner work and everything feels so much easier and less stressful, just from spending 15 minutes journaling and 15 minutes meditating in the morning and evening.
What is also amazing is that it's given me even more content for my new online coaching program launching in October. It is going to be A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!!
1 100% needed that talking to from my friend - thanks Claire
P.S.I’d LOVE for you to join me for the launch of my NEW ONLINE COACHING PROGRAM.
On Thursday 26th September at 8pm AEST I’ll be hosting a free WEBINAR MASTERCLASS…
How To Get Clear, Confident & Back In Control…Quickly. Even When You Feel Like Your Life Is Spinning.
In this webinar I’ll be taking you through my TOP 3 SECRETS to living your best life.
You’ll learn the first three things I did to turn my life from feeling completely lost, lacking confidence and being burnt out to feeling happy, in control and fInally free to be the REAL ME.
To join me please register by clicking this link REGISTER