IMPORTANCE OF THANK YOU AFTER A JOB INTERVIEW (Jobs in Dubai & UAE) helps you to find jobs in Dubai & UAE. Visit and find many jobs in UAE.
Things had changed a lot in the 21st century and so there are many changes in the job interview process. Indeed, job interviews are conducted in numerous ways including video interviews, asking samples to see if you are fit for the organization or not. However, one thing is the same and that is the importance of saying thank you after the interview.
This thank you note is about providing you the opportunity for the interview and must be sent as soon as possible after your interview is conducted. It is recommended to send it within 24 hours of the interview, so the interviewer has not yet made the final selection. If there were more than 1 person who conducted your interview, it is better to thank everyone separately with a slight change in the body of Email.
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What to write in the Thank You email:
At the end of the article, I have mentioned thank you after interview examples that will help you in making the selection of words. However, you should know what to write in it. It should be to the point; 2-3 brief paragraphs are enough. Your subject line must include the position of the job for which you have applied and the words “thank you”. This will ensure that the interviewer will know it is an important email and will read it.
Reminding the interviewer about your qualities is a good idea. You can also provide links about your professional social media profile, online portfolios, online samples or anything that will increase your selection must be included in thank you after interview. Some important tips to write your thanks note are the following.
1) Tell why you need the job:
The thank you mail is done to greet the person and remind him about you. However, you must also repeat that you need this job and applying seriously. It should act as a follow-up letter of sales. You should mention your qualifications and tell them how you will contribute to the company.
2) Write the points you missed during the interview:
If you have missed saying anything in your interview, thank you note is a good opportunity for it. Many times, the interviewer asks themselves why you are the perfect person for the role. However, it was missed during your interview, then your’ thank you note must mention how well you fit this job.
3) Clear some issues raised during the interview:
During an interview, a person is very nervous. There might be some issues raised during it that you must have handles correctly. The thank-you note must address those topics more accurately. Explaining your view is always better.
Examples of thank you email
People love to see examples because they are a good source of relating your case with them. Thus, examples help you to craft a response better. You can browse online for the thank you after the interview examples that will help you know what must be included in your reply.
Things to avoid in your response:
There are many things that you must avoid when writing a thank you note. It is done to ensure you get the job and any bad thing will spoil your selection chance. Some common mistakes to avoid are:
You can browse online for the thank you after interview. It is important to increase the chances to get the job. The majority of the people working to meet the challenges of the modern industry. So, to impress your employer, you must follow these things, rules and regulations. It is great for your first impression and efficiency.