The Importance of Teachability
Lynn (Abernathy) Mulholland, SHRM-SCP, PCC, ELI-MP
Executive Coach I ICF Certified Leadership, Change & Wellness Coach I Helping Executives Align with Their Core Values to Live with Intention and Lead with Purpose
Teachability is the ability to learn by instruction or being willing to be taught. It's more than just studying for a test, and involves being humble, moldable, and willing in all situations. Teachability is a soft skill that can make or break an effective leader. It can help people embrace the unknown, as that's where their greatest discoveries and achievements await.
- Google Gemini definition
As a kid, I perfected the art of being a know-it-all. My sister spotted it early on, and declared me the Master of Bullsh*t. If I knew enough to be dangerous about a topic, I decided I was an expert. As a result, I could – and would –dig in, stubborn as a mule, if I was ever questioned or challenged on the accuracy of my knowledge. (My poor parents…)
As I’ve matured, I’ve benefited from an increased sense of self-awareness, combined with an abundance of life, feedback, learning, and experience. ?These days I’m inclined to raise my hand if I don’t know the answer, or to reach out to people who I know are much smarter on the topic.
I’ve learned the risks of trying to be the smartest person in the room – especially when I’m not. I’ve also discovered the joy of learning from others, collaborating and participating in “brain share” meetings, and leaning into the discomfort of admitting when I’m wrong.
How and why did I make the shift? Here are the three factors that helped me develop my teachability mindset:
The basis of being teachable comes down to humility and honesty. Being able to admit to yourself and others that you are not always right is a pretty desirable quality to possess.
Being teachable is directly linked to growing the kind of growth mindset that develops your sense of curiosity to want and seek more. Curiosity becomes a never-ending journey. ?As you learn and move to the next level in your thinking and experiences, your desire to continue learning will grow as well.
As a leader, the more open you are to learn and grow from others, the greater your ability to effectively lead becomes. Good leaders never stop learning. When you’re leading without allowing someone else to share their value, knowledge, or experience, you devalue your team and your own credibility. Remember, we are better, and smarter together.
What does teachability look like in practice?? First, you keep an open mind, and work to reserve judgement. Check your ego at the door, listen to the input from others around you, and continually use it to improve yourself. You respectfully ask for input and feedback – and actually listen to it. Accept criticism without getting defensive and own your mistakes. Most importantly – get curious! Ask clarifying questions. ?Become a knowledge seeker.
In my experience, the coolest thing about embracing teachability, and the willingness to learn and change, is it removes all barriers. You are no longer limited by what you know today. Teachability gives you the power to embrace the unknown, with curiosity as your guide.