The Importance of the Superstructure

The Importance of the Superstructure

Michael Kusi

University of Christocracy

Archbishop Alexander


The superstructure defines myself as someone who has to strive in life to succeed. I see how the nine structures fit into every aspect of life. These structures are necessary because they denote how a person can succeed to their optimal potential. The structures show areas that mankind has to succeed at in order to do well in life.

???????????I can see myself as a philosopher. In terms of legal philosophy I believe in Christocracy and the interplay between church and state. I do not believe in the separation of church and state, and I believe that this definition only leads to confusion, as well as the exclusion of the church from everyday life.?In terms of political philosophy and the nine structures, I would define myself as a conservative. I am more of a social conservative, but I also have conservative economic and national security interests tendencies.

?I believe in the free market, and I believe that the free market is more akin to what God intended for a nation’s economy than a command economy. I think that a command economy can easily turn into an economy that demands to be worshipped and that presents itself as the focus rather than God.

The 9 structures are necessary to create the kind of control, because it is necessary to have the nine structures in order to be complete. I am able to negotiate a plan, because I am a part of the University of Christocracy and I will be a professor of theology there. Therefore, I will be able to add to the Christocratic literature that is out there. I am handling the affair of the Superstructure very well, and I will only improve as time goes on.


1)???Banking & Finance- I worked as a Compliance Officer for the Credit Union from 2018-2020, and also wrote papers on Banking. I wrote in a prior University of Christocracy course on Why Investment Banks are superior to Credit Unions. ??For my thesis I am writing on Crucified on a Cross of Gold: Why Worldwide Central Banking Systems Embrace of the Gold Standard would lead to Christocratic Wealth. I will write a dissertation on why Every Church Should Have a Credit Union. I wrote memoranda on dividends and single bond vs double bonds in credit union.

2)???Economic and Business Activities- ?I helped to incorporate an LLC called Green Technology Institute and served as its Executive Director for a?couple of years. We tried to get hydroponic technology to the South Bronx in the form of trailers that could grow their own plants. I also served as a Secretary of an organization called Cultivating, Healing and Justice Initiative. I also consult people on how to incorporate nonprofits and LLCs. I also helped to incorporate an LLC for New Covenant Christian Ministries and wrote the operating agreement.

3)???State Affairs- I wrote a paper for a candidate called Frank Murtha called, Discrepancies between Democratic and Republican Voters in Westchester County.

I said that the discrepancy between Democratic voters and Republican voters in Westchester County is wide. Although New York is a traditionally Democratic state, there are differences in the ratio between Democratic and Republican voters. Currently there are 319,098 Democratic voters in Westchester County and 126,483 Republican voters in Westchester County. This is an approximately 2.5 to 1 advantage that the Democrats have over the Republicans. Even if half of those Democrats never voted, the Democrats would still have an advantage. There used to be a

time when it was a 2 to 1 advantage and Republicans were able to be elected to the County

Executive and other positions. Now Democrats have an overwhelming advantage in people in

elected office and voter registration.

However, there are means of rectifying this situation. The Republicans could tap into previously

untouched areas such as the immigrant population who have the potential to be more

conservative since some of them come from countries that embrace socialism. The Republicans

could also collaborate with immigrant political groups, since these groups are often a mirror for

what traditional Republicans stand for. There could be an identification of such groups and

networking through different events. This would help the Republican Party in Westchester County to expand, because one of the problems is that people in Westchester County may not know the candidates that are running or what they stand for. Better name recognition among the populace would lead to better results on Election Day. The Republicans are at a disadvantage because Democrats hold many of the elected positions in Westchester County, A major way to get noticed is to already hold a political office. However, there are people who are active in the Westchester County community who would be great to run for office, and could be recruited to win political office. The future of Republicans in Westchester County is brighter than ever.


4)???Research & Development- I wrote a paper in College about George Marshall and his importance to the Allies success in World War 2. I also wrote about St. Anthony for my course Varieties of Early Christianity in College. In law school, I wrote papers on Religion and Land Use for Religion and the Constitution and Non-profit Corporations. I wrote a book about my experiences in the nonprofit realm, and another about my work at the Westchester County Executive. I also published a book of my sermons.

5)???Human Resource Development

When I went to NSLC from Aug 2 to Aug 12 I learned about being a leader. First, I will describe the speech that we had to do on Aug 11, and prepared for from Aug 3rd to Aug 14. Next, I will be describe All Out, an activity that I ?did on Aug 11. In both of these activities, I learned about leadership and the characteristics be a leader. I also learned how to go on in spite of your fears and anxieties, because a leader must be able to conquer his fears in order to motivate other people.?

The speech that my group had to do from Aug 3rd to Aug 14th took a lot of time and patience. First, we met in a classroom and had to read a selected passage. Then?my group had to vote on who we wanted to go and say the speech. When it was my turn, I tried to do as good a job as possible because I did not want to mess up or fail. I tried to put as much emotion into it as I could and many people said that my performance was good. I went up there nervous, but I was determined not to let my nervousness take control of me.

I spoke as loud and as clear as I could, without screaming. Then we had to vote, and I was chosen to do the main body. The next days, we had to do research on the topics and on the first day, we didn’t get much research done, but in the next four days, my group began to put together the speech. We finished, and I had to put together all?the information. Finally, the day came, and I had to go onto stage. I was nervous at first, and I picked up the microphone. Then I thought that I did not need it, so I put down the microphone and began to speak. I saw that people were beginning to go to sleep and I was afraid that people would go to sleep. So I spoke as loud and as expressive as I could to wake people up. I tried to be emotional and loud, and so people listened to what I had to say. I learned that leadership is about stepping up and doing what you have to do when people are counting on you to do your responsibilities. Leadership is also about taking charge when you are responsible for a group of people and?not letting your fears override what you have to do.

Finally, the All Out activity also taught me about leadership and the characteristics of a leader. The NSLC students went into the auditorium and sat down, and Ms. Jackson, the director of NSLC, spoke about leadership and told us that whoever wanted to speak was free to speak. I thought to myself that I wasn’t going to speak because she did not make it mandatory for us to speak. One by one, I saw many people go up and talk about their experiences, and many of them cried. I was determined not to go up there, because I did not want to cry in front of the NSLC. My roommate, went up there, and to my surprise, he cried.

He then sat down and asked me if I wanted to go up there and I said no. He said” Why not, I went up there.”?I said that I didn’t want to go because I had nothing of importance to say and besides, she said if you wanted to go up there, you could. Then he told me that everyone was going up there and so I might as well go up there too. After 10 or 15 minutes of telling me, I finally decided to go up there, but by the time I got up there, the?time was up. I learned that leaders should not be afraid to show emotion, because leaders are people too, and that leaders should conquer their fears.

????I learned a lot about leadership during this time. In the Ropes Challenge Course, I learned that leaders should conquer their fears and try out new things. In the Leadership Box, I learned that leaders should speak up if they want to be heard. In the speech, I learned that leaders should be able to take responsibility for the group and to complete their tasks. Finally, in the All Out activity, I learned that leaders should not be afraid to show emotion.


6)???Christocratic Education and Training- Currently I am working on a book of Church History and Christocracy.

Finally, I served as a tutor to a student who is in her second year of law school. During these tutoring sessions, we reviewed Constitutional Law 1 and 2. I would give her assignments for her to understand the materials better and prepare Powerpoints to teach her the material. I would also give her multiple choice questions and essays for her for further review. She received a B+ in her Constitutional Law 1 course and was very grateful for my help.


7)???Law Justice and Equity- I went to Hofstra Law School. Currently I am working on a book entitled the Separation of Church and State as Misnower: Why the Christocrat must accept the free exercise of faith.

???????????However, I also saw instances of bad lawyering. An example of bad lawyering that I have seen was at the Greenburgh Town Court, where a lawyer entered the courtroom abruptly without being called on. Later he had to apologize for this behavior. Also I noticed that lawyers at this courtroom would sometimes make arguments that the judge would tell me and the other interns in private that he did not like. One of those arguments was that sentencing a defendant would be akin to making abortion illegal. Also one example of bad lawyering, or bad counseling, was when a lawyer let a defendant ramble on for an hour about his rights and how he was wronged prior to being sentenced. This speech did not help the defendant’s case at all.

I had also seen some examples of bad lawyering in the Westchester District Attorney’s office. One example was when a lawyer made a closing statement just because the prosecutor made a closing statement. Another example was when a lawyer chronically came to court shabbily dressed and everyone noticed, including the judge and the court officers. Still, another example was that during the calendar call, one attorney was so bad that his client stood up and stated that she wanted another attorney.

The lawyer that I admire and would like to write about is John Adams, our 2nd president. I admire his ability and his competence.?He used to give speeches without notes, in the same manner that he would conduct trials, and people were amazed at his oratory skills and ability to speak. I remember reading a book that ranked John Adams as the best presidential orator that America ever had, and part of the thing that helped him to become so great was his practice of law.

?He represented the British soldiers after the Boston Massacre, when the colonists were clamoring for the British to be punished. He represented them and managed to get them acquitted even as he felt that the colonies were being unjustly treated by Great Britain.?His approach to the law was unflinching and he believed that everyone deserved a fair trial, even those who society had condemned to be guilty. I believe in this mantra too, because I believe that the legal process was created to discover the truth, not merely to condemn the accused. ?Also, he helped to write the Massachusetts Constitution after the Revolutionary War , and put in a provision in the constitution that ended slavery in the state.?I admire him for that as well, because he used his knowledge of the law to end a practice that was evil.

The practice of law that I would like to do is Community and Economic Development.?I would like to have a law firm that could build businesses in poor areas, so that these areas can be improved and people can be given the skillset to help themselves. I would also like to learn real estate as part of Community and Economic Development, so that my law firm could buy land and use it to build malls, stadiums, ballparks, hotels?and other viable business to bring wealth to impoverished areas.

I have had a mentor who was a judge in the Greenburgh Town Court, where I worked in the summer between my 1L and 2L year. He is a good mentor and a good judge, and he offered me advice on classes and what to take. Also, he helped me with law school and I write to him periodically to tell him how I am doing. He also would give me extra assignments to improve my writing.?Before I got the job at the Greenburgh Town Court, in the spring of 1L year I decided?I needed to have a job. So I walked around White Plains, New York, asking the law firms around if they could hire me.?All of them said no, but one of the lawyers said that he knew someone who would hire me.?He put me in contact with the Greenburgh Town Court, and that was my summer legal internship.

?Also, when I was at the New Rochelle City Court as an intern of the Westchester District Attorney, I met?the Mayor of New Rochelle, and he gave me the contact information for the New Rochelle City Attorney. I visited his office and he described his joh and its responsibilities. It was that talk in part that made me decided I wanted to work for government as a lawyer.



Due to my long held interest in government, during my time in law school I completed?internships which provided me with practical experience in this area.?My 1L summer I worked for a number of judges in the Greenburgh Town Court located in White Plains, New York. I drafted decisions on criminal motions to suppress. This preparation of these opinions required me to research the applicable criminal statutes, analyze them and then apply the cases interpreting those laws. This experience has made me appreciate and better prepared to handle the type of responsibilities a person in government deals with on a daily basis.?

Also, during my time in law school, I had taken Constitutional Law as part of my second year coursework. I learned about Standing, the Commerce Clause, Legislative Power, Executive Power, and Judicial Power during my first semester. I was given assignments about Marbury vs Madison and completed them. During my readings I learned about the expansive power of Constitutional Law in everyday American Life. During my second semester, I learned about the different tiers of scrutiny, such as Rational Basis Scrutiny, Intermediate Scrutiny, and Strict Scrutiny. I also learned about the right to privacy and suspect and quasi-suspect classifications. Finally I learned about the First Amendment and the right to free speech as well as the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause.

During my 2nd year of law school, I also took Religion and the Constitution. I learned about different cases and wrote a paper about the Free Exercise Clause and the Constitution as it pertained to non-profits and land use. I also presented this paper to my Religion and the Constitution class, and served as a commenter on another paper. Writing this paper showed me the different between a more active role in researching Constitutional versus being a student.


Finally, in my 3L year?I worked with the Nassau County Attorney’s office in September. I prepared motions for summary judgment in negligence cases.?I also prepared responses to different motions against the Nassau County Government such as 42 U.S.C 1983 motions where prisoners sued the Nassau County government. In addition to my classes on government these three opportunities have prepared me to successfully begin at your office.?

At my Westchester District Attorney internship, I received the

opportunity to observe court appearances such as felony hearings and suppression hearings. One

of those court hearings was particularly intriguing and involved a witness who had a case. I

remember the two defendants came in with their two lawyers, and they were represented by

Legal Aid Society. It was a hearing, so it was shorter than I expected.

The issue was an assault case in which the victim alleged that two people assaulted him

while he attended high school. The assistant district attorney was pretty good at the felony

hearing. He prepped the victim in the office and I sat in on the?witness preparation. He did not

tell the victim his testimony, but prepared him by going through the incident and telling him

what to expect. Then we entered the courtroom and the assistant district attorney made his?direct

examination, which went smoothly.

Then one of the lawyers, who was a Legal Aid Society attorney, made her cross-

examination, and the witness became agitated. I thought that she did a good job of trying to

discredit his testimony, but the assistant district attorney made several objections, and most of

them became sustained. Afterwards, the other lawyer, who was a privately retained lawyer, made

his cross-examination, and it was kind of incompetent. He had to be warned several times by the

judge, and I thought that he was much less effective.?Then they made their closing statements,

and I thought that in general, the parties were effective.

I learned that in order to be an effective courtroom litigator, it is more encompassing that

just arguing cases at trial. I learned that witness preparation is very important, and that an

attorney should not tell the witness what to say, but tell the witness what to expect. I also learned

that sometimes, no matter how much an attorney prepares a witness, the witness is still

responsible for their testimony. I also learned to be adequately prepared for trial and that

objections are important.?


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