The importance of stepping back

The importance of stepping back

What I am going to share with you takes real COURAGE. If you find this hard, then all the more reason to get started... and to do this NOW ??. When you do what I am about to share with you, you are going to.....

? Gain more clarity and direction

? Feel more energised

? Solve problems quicker

? Stop procrastinating and take more ACTION....

And HOW can you be so sure TONY?

Well this is exactly the results the attendees of a workshop have been experiencing all week. I challenged everyone to commit just 30 mins a day to work on themselves and their business and to see what happened ??.

The exciting news is that this can happen even quick. One of my guest speakers this week (Sam Bowen), shared that during his first ever 30 min call with me, he felt more re-energised and KNEW exactly where we wanted to take his business ??. You can hear a 2 min clip from Sam below ??

Amazingly 12 months on, Sam has achieved results he never dreamed possible and his business is thriving... ??.

And this all started by doing the hardest thing of all. By STEPPING BACK ??

Live talk - If you would like the full recording send me a message, and I will share a copy with you?

It's time - If you are honest with yourself - how often do you step back? It is time for all of us to consider what we REALLY WANT for our lives?

My experience - If you are anything like me, (who I would describe as a recovering workaholic), then you will most likely be HARD WIRED to work hard. In the past, even when I was spending time with my family, I had this GUILT that I should be working....

Looking back, this was no surprise as we are a product of our environment, and I had been surrounded all my life by individuals who were obsessed with ACHIEVING SUCCESS.

But at what cost..... This nearly cost me my marriage... This had a huge impact on my HEALTH... This impacted my sleep.... This even resulted in 2020 in me stepping away from my first business, as I did not believe I had what it took to run a business ??. I thought going back to employment was the answer....

An opportunity - What I discovered 4 years ago, was that YOU PERFORM BETTER, not worse, when you step back ??

Live event this week - During my live event this week, I invited all attendees to spend 30 mins a day working on their business and on themselves. Here are a few snippets of feedback that were shared by everyone yesterday....

"I have fine tuned my client offer this week, which is fantastic"

"I have experienced a mindset shift this week"

"I am excited to share I set up my LinkedIn business page which I have been putting off for months"

"I have greater clarity about where I want to take my business"

Extra support - If you recognise the need to take a step back, and would like access to the recordings from this week, send me a message back and we will make these available to you.

Ps: I am writing this from a a coffee shop, as I also decided that TODAY was a good day to step back ??

Have a great weekend.

