The Importance of Speaking a Common Language
How many times we have that gut feeling that we are not hitting the nail on the head when speaking to a client? Too many times perhaps! Too many times we have “pitched” ourselves without beforehand asking ourselves whether what we are transmitting is actually of any value to our client.
I chose the word transmitting, as there is an implied notion that we may well not get the desired feedback or no feedback at all. It is a one-way traffic that adds no value at all. What we are essentially mistakenly doing is we are not speaking a common language. We have not engaged enough or asked the right questions to understand what are the elements that would be considered important, essential or fundamental for the client's business. Asking the right questions sets the tone for a healthy business relationship. Not only that, asking the right questions may well separate you from the mediocre lot. Once the context is understood, the chances of hitting the sweet spot increase including the chances of being taken seriously! That is when speaking a common language starts to happen.