The Importance Of Soft Skills At Work
Dr. Subhash Chander
Corporate Trainer Certified, Certified Soft Skills Trainer, Certified Master Life Coach, Certified Motivational Speaker, Key Note Speaker, KOC Approved Trainer, Mentor, Voice Over Actor & Singer
Soft skills are increasingly becoming the hard skills of today's work force. It's just not enough to be highly trained in technical skills, without developing the softer, interpersonal and relationship-building skills that help people to communicate and collaborate effectively. These people skills are more critical than ever as organizations struggle to find meaningful ways to remain competitive and be productive. Teamwork, leadership, and communication are underpinned by soft skills development. Since each is an essential element for organizational and personal success, developing these skills is very important and does matter… a lot!
While we know that we need to have appropriate technical skills at work place, you would have noticed that your people skills are what opens most of the doors to all of us. Your work ethic, your attitude, your communication skills, your interpersonal skills, your emotional intelligence, your time management skills, your networking skills, and a whole host of other personal attributes are the soft skills that are crucial for career success.
With these soft skills you can excel in any role. Problem solving, delegating, motivating, and team building are all much easier if you have good soft skills where you are able to reach people. Knowing how to get along with people, from various countries, various cultures, and displaying a positive attitude are crucial for success and makes you to excel than others.
The problem is, the importance of these soft skills is often undervalued, and there is far less training provided for them than hard skills. For some reason, organizations seem to expect people know how to behave on the job. They tend to assume that everyone knows and understands the importance of being on time, taking initiative, being friendly, and producing high quality work. Apart from providing various training for Managers / Directors, we at MC Consultancy Services ensure that your soft skills are enhanced and the training program is developed to ensure that the organization and the employees get the maximum out of it.
It is essential for you to recognize the important role that soft skills play in an organization on the larger scale viz. the role it plays within your team, your department and not only to develop them within yourself but to encourage the development within your team and thereby throughout the organization. We at MC Consultancy Services have developed various programs to ensure that your employees become your ambassadors.
Our training programs / workshops have been developed to ensure that they have a significant impact on the attitude a person brings to interactions with clients, customers, colleagues, supervisors, and other stakeholders. The more positive someone's attitude is, the better that person's relationships will be. That's what fosters great team performance, and leads people to contribute strongly to the organization's vision and strategy.
Traditionally, people don't receive adequate soft skills training – either during vocational instruction or as part of on-the-job training. That is why we are MC Consultancy Services develop training workshops to help people build people skills to ensure motivation, productivity and growth of the individual and organization as a whole through various exercises and role plays. Contact us for your training needs! We partner with organizations and individuals to make them perform better at work place... thereby a motivated employee, higher productivity and better retention!