The Importance Of Safeguarding
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding means protecting a citizen's health, wellbeing and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.
It is an integral part of providing high-quality health care. Safeguarding children, young people and adults is a collective responsibility.
What are the 6 principles of safeguarding?
Safeguarding in schools is essential for keeping children safe. It means having: whole-school policies and procedures. Staff and volunteers confident in identifying and raising concerns
And that's where we step in!
Safeguarding In Schools - Lanyards
Lanyards are a very effective way of improving safety and security in schools and other educational settings.
Wearing ID badges is an important element of safeguarding in schools, to help to prevent unauthorised personnel from entering school property, while a distinctive lanyard in the same colours and displaying a school logo, also identify staff.
Wearing a lanyard not only demonstrates Safeguarding, it also displays a university’s, school's, or college brand and logo which is a good way of raising the profile of the university, school or college to attract more people to apply to study there.
Professional looking lanyards give a good impression of the university, school or college and students wearing one will know that they are representing their university, school or college when they are outside of the premises.
Safeguarding In Health Care
Safeguarding has always been entrenched in healthcare practices and has now long been part of the mandatory training programme for anyone working in health, social care, education and other sectors with possible contact with vulnerable persons
NHS England is dedicated in ensuring that the principles and duties of safeguarding children, young people, and adults at risk are holistically, consistently and conscientiously applied with the wellbeing of all, at the heart of what they do.
They are dedicated to ensuring that the principles and duties of safeguarding children and adults are applied every time a citizen accesses the NHS making every contact count.
All staff, whether they work in a hospital, a care home, in general practice, or in providing community care, and whether they are employed by a public sector, private, or not-for-profit organisation, have a responsibility to safeguard children and adults at risk of abuse or neglect in the NHS.
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0800 588 4000
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