The Importance of Robots.Txt Seo Tool

The Importance of Robots.Txt Seo Tool

Duplicate content is one of the major reasons you can get penalized by Google and other search engines. The problem is, you may not deliberately create duplicate content but the search engine bots will read it as such and penalize your website.

So what do you do? There is help and it comes with this simple tool you didn’t know you needed - the robot.txt seo tool.

Robots.txt is a simple text file that tells search engine robots which pages and files on your website they can and cannot access. It does not seem like a big deal, but robots.txt can actually play an essential role in your website's SEO.

After reading the benefits below, you will realize why this study shows that the percentage of websites using robots.txt have increased from 35% to 38.5% inwithin 11 months. And it’ll still increase as more people learn of its value.

Importance of robots.txt in seo

  • Robots.txt can help you avoid duplicate content penalties. Search engines don't like duplicate content, and they can actually penalize your website for it. Robots.txt can help you avoid this by telling search engine robots which pages of your website they should index and which ones they should ignore. According to a research by Inidiana University, 14% of webages are hidden by robots.txt on all the websites using it.
  • Robots.txt can help you improve your crawl budget. The crawl budget is the number of pages on your website that search engine robots can crawl and index each day. By using robots.txt to block search engine robots from accessing unimportant pages on your website, you can free up your crawl budget for the pages that are most important to you.
  • Robots.txt can help you protect sensitive information. If you have any sensitive information on your website, such as login pages or credit card information pages, you can use robots.txt to block search engine robots from accessing them. No wonder many .gov domains use it.

Purpose and Significance in Website Management

Robots.txt is an important tool for website management that can help you improve your website's SEO and protect your website from harm. Here are some specific examples of how robots.txt can be used in website management:

Blocking search engine robots from crawling development or staging sites: This can help to prevent search engine robots from indexing pages that are not yet ready to be seen by the public.

Blocking search engine robots from crawling internal search results pages: This can help to improve the performance of your website's internal search engine.

Blocking search engine robots from crawling certain types of files, such as images or PDFs: This can help to reduce the load on your website's server.

Blocking search engine robots from crawling certain pages on your website, such as login pages or checkout pages: This can help to protect your website from hackers and other malicious actors.

Even though this powerful tool can be used to improve your website's SEO, performance, and security, you need to carefully use it so it doesn’t block search engine robots from crawling important pages on your website.

Basic Structure of Robots.txt

The basic structure of a robots.txt file is as follows:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /

The User-agent: line tells the search engine robot which robots the file applies to.

The asterisk (*) wildcard tells all robots to follow the rules in the file.

The Disallow: line tells the search engine robot which pages and files it should not access.

The forward slash (/) wildcard tells the robot not to access any pages on the website.

Here is an example of a more complex robots.txt file:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /admin/

Disallow: /private/

Allow: /robots.txt


This robots.txt file tells all robots not to access the /admin/ and /private/ directories on the website. However, it does allow robots to access the /robots.txt file and the /sitemap.xml file.

You can also use robots.txt to specify which parts of your website robots can access based on their user agent. For example, you could use the following robots.txt file to allow Googlebot to access all pages on your website, but to prevent Bingbot from accessing the /private/ directory:

User-agent: Googlebot


User-agent: Bingbot

Disallow: /private/

You can also use robots.txt to tell robots how often they should crawl your website. This is done using the Crawl-delay: directive. For example, the following robots.txt file tells robots to wait 10 seconds between crawling pages on your website:

User-agent: *


Crawl-delay: 10

It is important to note that robots.txt is just a suggestion to search engine robots. Robots are not required to follow the rules in robots.txt files. However, most major search engines do respect robots.txt files.


Robots.txt is a significant file that should be in your website for effective management of your website. By using robots.txt wisely, you can improve your website's SEO and protect your website from harm.

However you may not know how to incorporate it in your website. Consult with an SEO expert if you are not sure how to use robots.txt, how to properly place it within your website directory or if you have any questions about robots.txt.


