The Importance of Rest and Recovery for Online Educators
In the world of education, teachers hardly ever enough credit for everything they do. When the coronavirus pandemic broke out, parents suddenly turned into educators. After spending a few hours mentoring their children, they started to understand the vital role teachers play in our lives. When it comes to online education, teachers often get overlooked or even looked down on. But, online educators work just as hard, if not harder, than their counterparts. Since their courses do not have geographical confines, many online educators work round the clock through the year.
?Often, online educators get exhausted and become unable to continue their courses because they feel overworked. So, they must remember to take a break to rest and recuperate. If you’re currently struggling to engage with your students, here are some tips on rest and recovery:
Start with Physical Rest
Nobody can work long hours without rest. If you continue the same cycle, your brain will eventually stop registering the sights and sounds around you. When you’re overworked, you end up losing focus, and your overall performance declines. When educators are unable to perform at their best, their students suffer. So, make sure you prioritise taking breaks from work and slowing down. Take the time to rest and relax. Ensure you get enough sleep every night so that you can focus the following day.
Pick Up a Passion
Very often, educators get stuck in a rut. They end up teaching the same content and courses all day, every day. The experience can be draining and exhausting. Find ways to break the endless cycle. Schedule your classes so that you have time for a break between sessions. When you do have some downtime, spend it following an unrelated passion or hobby. Your activity does not have to be academic. You can choose to paint, write a novel or sort out your stamp collection. The idea is to take your mind off work.
?Find Your Mastermind Group
mastermind group serves as a safe place for people to get together and discuss ideas. While everybody can benefit from these groups, online educators stand to gain the most. Essentially, it works like a support group. People with shared experiences get together at regular intervals to share insights and inspiration. You can also rely on your mastermind group to listen to you when you’re struggling or in trouble.
Work on Personal Development
Educators know better than anybody else that learning never ends. When you have some extra free time, see if you can pick up a new skill or enhance your knowledge. For online educators, personal development could even look like picking up a new tech skill. You can then use your newfound knowledge to create stellar courses that engage your learners. The idea is to find a way to boost your confidence and make you feel better about yourself.
When it comes to finding the right work-life balance, teachers struggle the most. But, educators must remember that they can only help their students when they’re feeling their best.