The Importance of Reflection
As one embarks upon a transformational journey, and determines to live life in purpose, they must develop the willingness, courage, and tenacity to move forward and be willing to learn the lessons of past. Those lessons are readily available as we reflect on experiences. Reflection is very important to one’s growth and development. It helps to clarify things that may have occurred or issues that had previously come up, yet not totally resolved. Thus, reflection helps one to resolve and reconcile situations and remove the challenges that may block a clear pathway for moving forward in life today and beyond. At various intervals of time, reflection is a key factor in helping one to gain a better understanding of situations and experiences, gain more insight, and achieve more clarity.
Reflection, however, is not a state of being or mind to stay in for an extended period of time, because the past serves only as a point of reference in some cases when lessons have not been learned, issues have not been resolved, and/or matters not reconciled. Therefore, the problem is not one of reflection; rather it is one of holding on to the past, living in the past, reacting to the past all the while also using it as a justification for one’s present condition or circumstances and an excuse for one’s behaviour or way of being.
This is an excerpt from The Power of Transformation & Change (full article only available via subscription of my mailing list.