The Importance of Recognizing Skin Signs of Venous Disease: Lowering the Venous Burden
Looking back at an excellent EADV congress in Amsterdam last week, where I lectured on "Skin signs of venous insufficiency and stressed the importance of recognition as well as their timely management" in our Venous Session with co-chairs Felizitas Pannier, Tobias G?rge and Simone van der Velden
Facing the facts: Chronic Venous Disease (CVD):
CVD is easy to treat, often with modern minimal invasive therapy (endovenous laser of radiofrequency ablation).
Recognition of skin signs of CVD is important to start timely treatment to:
Prompt ablation of varicose veins in venous leg ulcers (VLU):
Future-proof venous care requires:
MD. PhD at Mauritskliniek Utrecht
5 个月Proficiat, Rutger!!
Dermatoloog, lid MSR Tergooi MC, leefstijlcoach
5 个月Mooi werk Rutger! Tijdige herkenning van de huidafwijkingen ten gevolge van chronische veneuze insuffici?ntie gevolgd door de adequate behandeling kan het ontstaan van “open benen” voorkomen.