Importance of reading

Importance of reading

The modes and technicalities related to reading may change from time to time. But, the essence and importance of reading will remain the same.

Reading helps children develop their problem-solving skills, and improve their concentration and memory retention levels. The above-mentioned elements are important in education and work alike.

Reading can take many forms: books, articles on the internet, and parts of digital content, etc. Children can use multiple forms of reading without restricting to one form.

In his book “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, Peter Drucker describes textbooks as one of the greatest innovations. Yes, he wrote this in the 20th century.

AI-based Internet search highlights the following trends in reading in the present context: ?

“Shorter content

Readers may prefer shorter, more concise content that can be consumed quickly.?

Digital devices

Digital devices may diminish the brain's capacity for deep reading due to features like endless scrolling, notifications, and algorithm-generated suggestions.?

New skill set

Reading in the 21st century requires a new skill set that supports readers in navigating digital spaces and critically analyzing information.?

Equity in literacy

Educators and policymakers can prioritize equity in education by implementing strategies that provide equal opportunities for all students.”

Keep Reading what matters to you in a form(s) most suited for the purpose!


