Importance and problems of eating tomatoes.
@the nutrition watchdog

Importance and problems of eating tomatoes.

When I was in Ethiopia, we used to grow tomatoes in the yard of our military residence where my father was stationed. Tomatoes and Cabbage were standard and the cheapest food plants in the market. I remember my mother used to refer to tomatoes and cabbage as poor people's food. Tomatoes and Cabbage are easy to grow and require little care. Some schools were keen to have agricultural education demonstrations, and tomatoes and cabbage were known crops to get good results.

Tomatoes are considered a healthy food in most circles; They are rich in antioxidants such as lycopene, beta-carotene, folate, potassium, vitamin C, and other flavonoids. Tomatoes are best known for their high levels of lycopene, a substance known to fight cancer, especially prostate cancer in men. Lycopene has been scientifically shown to stop or slow the growth of cancerous tumors, helping to fight lung, stomach, colon, mouth, breast, and ovarian cancer.

Kat Ebeling, co-author of The Fat Burning Kitchen, Top 101 Anti-Aging Foods and Best Sellers for Diabetes Correction, says:

Tomatoes also contain other antioxidants, including zera-carotene, phytoene, and phytofluene, which fight inflammation and diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and dementia. Their potent antioxidants also help prevent high blood pressure. Lower cholesterol and improve blood vessel health.

Tomatoes prevent macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of blindness in the elderly. Their high vitamin C content slows down aging, keeps the skin youthful and wrinkle-free, and contains nutrients that help protect and rebuild strong bones.

Some tomato problems

Although tomatoes are loaded with nutrients, remember that nightshades are vegetables that can worsen health conditions for some people. Nightshade vegetables such as eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers are common in many diets. However, in rare cases, a person may develop an allergy or intolerance to one or more of the nightshade family.

@the nutrition watchdog

A person with a nightshade allergy may experience shortness of breath soon after eating certain vegetables or atopic dermatitis, an itchy, rough, scaly rash.

Nightshade intolerance or sensitivity means that the foods are not properly digested, which can cause various symptoms, including indigestion.

In the next article, we'll examine how to identify a nightshade allergy or intolerance, including which foods to avoid and what to replace them with to ensure a healthy diet.

Many reputable medical institutions, including the Cleveland Clinic, recommend avoiding nightshades to relieve arthritis pain and other arthritic conditions. This study shows a positive correlation between avoiding nightshades and improving arthritis symptoms.

If you already struggle with food sensitivities or allergies or have any inflammatory or autoimmune disease, you should consider nightshades. Symptoms include joint pain or swelling, indigestion, heartburn, irritable bowel, or any red or inflamed areas of the skin. Some nightshades can aggravate asthma and breathing problems.

Nightshades are a group of plants that are part of the Solanaceae family. Many nightshades are very common—in fact, most of us eat tomatoes every day. Some of the most commonly eaten plants in the nightshade family include tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplants. There are many others, but most people do not use them much. The four nightshades listed above eat the most.

Nightshades contain a compound called solanine, known to cause inflammation that can irritate the digestive tract and even cause the breakdown of red blood cells. Nightshades can worsen arthritis in many people, as well as aggravate irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, acid reflux, and other GI issues. Solanine is mainly found in potatoes. Alkaloids are stored in the green parts of the plant. Even if you don't eat the green part of the tomato, green tomatoes contain more concentrated tomato content than 'roasted green tomatoes'. Tomato and solanine alkaloids can irritate the gastrointestinal system and even damage brain neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine. Tomatoes can aggravate acid reflux and heartburn in many people, and their seeds can harm those prone to diverticulitis.

So, while tomatoes can have many health benefits if eaten in moderation if you have joint pain, arthritis, or cramping, it may be worth it to control them and the nightshade family for a month or so. However, the Nightshade family includes many relatives. So, if you want to remove them, be sure to include them all:

All types of tomatoes

White potatoes (sweet potatoes are safe, and nightshades are not)



All types of peppers - hot or sweet





Cayenne pepper

Chili powder

But it doesn't mean that tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes are awful for us... in fact, they are suitable for us in many ways... But it's better to eat them only once or twice, every other week. In this way, you will benefit from some of their good nutrients. But remember to be careful with the destructive compounds that nightshades may contain.


Dr. Arega Nigussie (Walden Alumni Ambassador Network)的更多文章

