The importance of privacy
Vasile Tiplea
Director of UX & AI Strategy @Colgate former BCG, Samsung, Cision & Westfield
Online privacy has been a big news topic this year and the conversation had already been gaining traction for some years. While we've had certain regulations in place, both in the US and across the globe, it hadn't historically felt that these were taken seriously. It most certainly didn't stop issues from occurring in which some tech company has either intentionally or non-intentionally misused the data of their users.
By now we are all familiar with the Cambridge Analytica scandal with Facebook. This is just one recent example highlighting the importance of privacy and regulation. In this scenario, Cambridge Analytica was able to gain access to data on as many as 87 million Facebook profiles. This was thanks to generous data-sharing policies Facebook app developers were privy to back in 2014. This story, unlike many others, gained worldwide attention because it ties to the 2016 US Election campaign for President Donald Trump, as well as the 2016 Brexit campaign in the UK. Raising concerns that user data was misused to rig political campaigns.
Naturally, this news has users scared and looking more seriously into how they can become savvier about what data they are giving to these companies. Users are beginning to crunch down on the apps and programs they use to ensure that their privacy is upheld and respected.
I think these situations are a great reminder to all existing, new and upcoming app founders to treat privacy seriously.
When it comes to privacy and how to approach this with your app, the priorities should never look different to this:
Priority number one — Users
In the app business, your failings and successes are measured by your users. How many you have, how much they interact with your app and what they have to say about it. Creating a great app is step one, maintaining a loyal user base is step 2 and most important. This comes from treating your users with respect and offering them integrity and transparency. Their best interests should be your number one priority.
Priority number two — Business
Of course, running an app is running a business. Operating a business comes with stress. Particularly that of keeping an organization afloat. You will no doubt at times be tempted to cut corners when facing pressure to achieve deadlines or financial goals. However, the success of your app is entwined with the integrity of your company. Compromising your integrity will only set you up to lose users. Not to mention open you up to massive penalties by regulators if you are found to act out of the consumer’s interests.
The core values of every business should be integrity and transparency.
Be mindful that there are different regulations for apps operating in different regions. If you have users in Europe, you need to be compliant with the GDPR, for example.
If in doubt, get in touch with and I can help you navigate the waters of regulatory compliance to ensure that your app delights users, and looks out for their interests and right to privacy.