Importance of the Page Object Model (POM) in Test Automation
Hamed ABID
Lead Test et Qualité Logicielle, expert en tests automatisés ***** Quality Engineering | Automation Development | Selenium | WebDriver | Appium | Playwright | Cypress | Ranorex | Page Object Model | Postman | Altassian
Introduction :
The Page Object Model (POM) design pattern is an essential tool for test automation. It is one of the most widely used design patterns in test automation and is used with major test automation frameworks such as Selenium, WebdriverIO, Cypress, Playwright, Nightwatch, etc.
What is POM ?
The POM design pattern creates an object repository for web UI elements, reducing code duplication and improving test maintenance. Under this model, for each web page in the application, there should be a corresponding Page Class. This Page class will identify the WebElements of that web page and also contains Page methods which perform operations on those WebElements. The name of these methods should be given as per the task they are performing.
Advantages of POM :
The POM design pattern makes tests maintainable, reusable, and pushes us to think about how to structure our automation code better. It simplifies the project and makes it easy to maintain and use. The POM design pattern is an important tool for test automation and should be used to improve code quality, maintainability, reusability, scalability, extensibility, and readability.
Why POM ?
Starting UI Automation in Selenium WebDriver is not a tough task. You just need to find elements and perform operations on them. However, as the project grows, it often becomes difficult to maintain the test automation code. There would be instances when we use a specific web element at different points in your test script. For example, you might have to search for different test data for a test case, and we have to refer to the id or XPath of the search text field again and again. In such scenarios, you might find that your code is becoming duplicate, i.e., you are using the same piece of code to locate a web element again and again, often termed as redundancy. Additionally, if there is a change in such a locator, you will have to go through the entire code to make the necessary changes. Consequently, the Page Object Model comes to the rescue to simplify the project and make it easy to maintain and use.
Conclusion :
The Page Object Model design pattern is an important tool for test automation and should be used to improve code quality, maintainability, reusability, scalability, extensibility, and readability. It makes tests maintainable, reusable, and pushes us to think about how to structure our automation code better. The POM design pattern simplifies the project and makes it easy to maintain and use.