The Importance of Number 7

The Importance of Number 7

The number 7 is the most interesting number. The number Seven is so much important in our life and we don’t even realize that! Seven has been consistently important for different fields like religion, music, physics, and literature. No other digit has as many different exercises and associations, as well as such a strong influence over the imagination as the Number Seven has.

Importance of Number 7

The Number Seven has always been associated and valued with the spirituality. There are 7 Charka Energy Centers, 7 Hindu Marriage Vows, 7 Days in a Week, 7 Colors in the Rainbow, and many other spiritual and natural observations about the number 7.

Number 7 Importance

Number 7 provides with the energies and vibrations of ‘Collective Consciousness’, Spiritual Awareness & Awakening, Spirituality & Faith, Spiritual Development & Acceptance, Spiritual Enlightenment, Mysticism, Inner-Wisdom, Inner-Knowing & Intuition, Psychic Abilities, Inner-Selves, Introspection, Deep Contemplation, Eccentric, Thoughtfulness, Religion, Natural Healing, Understanding Others, Myth, Ritual, Secrets, Poise, Feelings & Emotions, Peace, Inner-Strength, Perseverance and Endurance, Persistence Objective, the Capability of Bearing Hardships, Isolation, Individualism and Independence, Intentions, Mental Analysis, Good Fortune, Scientific Research, Technicality, Science, Genius, the Inventor, Determination, Logic, Understanding, Discerning and Discernment, Study, Stability, Evolution, the capability of Setting Limits, Refinement, Completion, Perfection, Stoicism, Silence, Ascetic, Chastity, Rigor, and Dignity.

Number 7 tells you to look further for developing your individual spirituality and support others for doing the same. Number 7 tells you to learn new skills, listen to your inner-knowing, and step out of your comfort zone to further advance at all the levels. Your soul is on an important mission and your life objective involves teaching, communicating, and healing others as well as serving humanity, which helps you in the best possible way. You are pushed to set an example for others as well as inspire them for seeking their own zeal and intention in life.

Number 7 is also encouraging you to start a spiritually-based work, career, profession, or heart-associated services if you become so disposed.

The Beautiful Concept of Nachmanides

Nachmanides, a Spanish philosopher, had explained this beautiful concept during the 12th century:

  • Seven is the number associated with the natural world.
  • You will find 7 days in a week, 7 musical notes (Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, and Ni), as well as 7 directions (up, down, left, right, center, forward, and back).
  • “Seven” represents the 7 days of Sukkot, and they represent the ‘World of Nature’.

The Importance of 49

The digit 49 comes when you square the number 7. Whenever you square any number, you will get its extreme value. Nothing can come as a greater value of aspect than that. Therefore, the digit 49 is the extreme reach of the Seven-ness in the world.

The Seven Notes in Music

Any music consists of Seven notes. The number of notes with the conventional Western music scale is Seven including Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, and Ti. The Indian Music has “Saptak Swaras” including Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, and Ni, which are the fundamentals of music, through which thousands of Ragas have been composed. The Seven musical notes can be associated with the chords and creates melodious music.

The Light is a Combination of Seven Colors

When all the colors in the light are collected, they create a white colored light. While the same colors are combined with the pigment, they create a brown color, which is an earth color. It means that the divine dimension of the light creates white, whereas the natural colors of the pigment goes to the physical colors of earth. Sir Isaac Newton has rightly identified that ‘the light is a mix of Seven colors’.


In Hinduism, you will find Seven Seas in this World, Seven Worlds in this Universe, and Seven Rishies named Saptarishis.

If you search around, you will get the existence of seven here & there. There are Seven Colors in the Rainbow, Seven Days in a Week, Seven Wonders of the World, Seven Major Seas, and even the total number of Continents Are Seven!

No other number is having so many connotations and references in many different fields like the number Seven. So, it’s a very important number indeed.

The Correlation Between Music, Body, and Spirituality

All the music cultures like African Music, Indian Classical Music, or even Western Music, have evolved in the different conditions and directions, but still all of them have only seven musical notes. It’s certainly not a coincidence or an accident because all the cultures with their music have developed completely with no communication or correlation among them.

The modern science has proved that the whole universe has been just energy’s vibration. Around one century ago, the science was the great believer of matter, but not any longer. Now, the modern science believes that things like matter doesn’t exist. The matter isn’t a reality. The energy is a reality, which vibrates in different ways. The entire existence is only a vibration.

In yoga, the entire existence is the sound. It is called “Nada Brahma.” The Nada Brahma indicates the entire creation as well as the creator is only sound. Although, the scientists have never experienced that, but if we approach that experientially, it is all sound! Each vibration is the sound. Therefore, all the forms, which you observe in this world, are a definite type of sound.

So, in case, everything is sound, the question comes is that why we can’t hear it? We can’t hear it just because our hearing range has smaller frequencies. Everything below this frequency is subsonic as well as everything above it is ultrasonic. For instance, if you make your TV set on, it suddenly starts working. You can only hear the sound because it is in the frequency you can hear.

Our body is made from seven fundamental components. The origin sounds of the seven fundamentals have turned into musical notes. If you want to do experiments with this, you can certainly do that. But one thing is certain that whatever experiment you do, the results will fall inside the constraints of the seven notes as the body construction is inside the seven magnitudes of the creation that is being known as Chakras.

7 Chakras and 7 Musical Notes

A “Chakra” is only the gathering point of an energy system. This is a connection point, where there are seven main junctions. It doesn’t indicate that the chakra independently hasn’t got its individual quality, this is only that all the roads that travel in the direction are performing definite things; they integrate at a definite point, therefore, it turns into a dominant place. To experience a sound, a person needs to become completely silent inside himself, then only, the body will experience it as sound. It reaches the state, where all the seven notes evolve.

For Indian people, the music is not merely a tool for entertainment, it is one kind of a spiritual route. In the Indian classical music, the rhythms called talas and the melodies called ragas are used in such a way that after getting deeply involved with them, you will get meditativeness. If a person is very intensely involved with the classical music, he behaves like a saint as it makes him spiritually awaken. The music is not merely to get entertainment. The music is a spiritual process for reaching at the highest level of awareness.


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