The importance of nuance for Hispanic Audiences
This week Gene Bryan on his had a great article by #albertonavas and it was refreshing to read.
Alberto (and I have not met him or do business with him) put into perspective something that I always talk about when I speak to prospects or clients about the Hispanic Audiences. The article (and sorry for some reason the I can't link it) talks about language and culture.
Nuance is key. Content and Context is key. And how the audience will consume the content is key. Espa?ol is not Castellano. Mexicans in the US will say things totally different than Colombians in the US. Dominicanos will not use the same slang as Cubans, although both can be called "Caribe?os".
Nuance also has to do with cultural icons. While Miami has a lot to revel in #leonelmessi our culture is filled with the #GabrielGarciaMarquez (Gabo) influences from 100 Years of Solitude to #JaimeBayly and his semi autobiographical novels.
Latinos have such a cultural wealth that we know what "el Grito" means to Mexicans, as well as knowing when #andrescantor screams "gol, gol, gol". both are "gritos" but so different. Nuance is funny, as I grew up as a #Latino with Irish and Catalan heritage, my youth in #SaoPaulo, and one of my first crushes a lovely girl from Oklahoma (this is back in high school) I once said "te amo" and she asked is all Latinos were so #machista. When I asked why she thought that is because she had translated "amo" and of course in the dictionary (English/Spanish) its "master, lord..." and at that point I realized that simple translation kills nuance.
For the US Hispanic market as Alberto puts so well in his article "To connect successfully and in a meaningful way with this diverse audience, gain its respect, and differentiate yourself from the competition, it is not enough to just hablar espa?ol. Understanding a language refers to knowing its nuances, how it is evolving, and its regional differences."
I praise this thinking, because as Hispanics grow (and in Miami we are the general market) the cultural and social growth of nuance becomes more important in order to get the message for a brand.
As I always say - lets gather for a cafecito and chat about this some more as these are themes that are not explored, and when we go to the lowest commond denominator we lose nuance. I look forward to Steven Wolfe Pereira ?? and the new Univision upfront coming to see how culture is managed. But more importantly I am excited to have so many great people thinking about these things
Thank you for tuning into my thougts.