The Importance of Motivation in Your Success

The Importance of Motivation in Your Success

Motivation’s link to both personal and professional success is undeniable; it has a positive impact on your personal goals and your career success, but what is motivation and why is it so important to get a handle on your own sense of drive?

Motivation for yourself

Motivation is a powerful tool. It leads to changes in behaviour, growth of knowledge, innovation, creativity, goal attainment and hundreds of other positive outcomes, but what is it? Essentially, motivation is the incitement to act more in a certain way, to focus on a goal and then carry out the actions to achieve that positive outcome. 

It is essential to increasing your productivity, as motivation creates the drive to put in effort, and apply it to the right places. It can also improve your efficiency by ensuring your focus is on the right thing, and that you are headed towards your goals. 

When you Lose your Motivation

How well you perform in your personal and professional life is not just defined by your abilities or qualifications, but by how keen, willing and committed you are to the task at hand – all of which are created by motivation. Conversely, if you lack motivation you are likely to be short on focus, and feel the consequences including overwhelm, stress, boredom, emotional exhaustion and even guilt.

If you have lost your motivation you may not derive the excitement and meaning from your life and career that drives you to get out of bed every day. Your goals may seem so far from where you are that you’ll struggle to determine where to start. You may lack the self-belief required for achieving your goals.

You might procrastinate and struggle to get started, or to concentrate, or to complete tasks. You might find that you are busy but are not being productive, working hard but not making the progress you want so you feel disappointed and demotivated. If you are seeking to be productive and move towards your goals, motivation is the key to making progress.

A loss of motivation can also impact your well-being including your sleep, appetite and mood.

Why I help corporate high achievers regain and build their motivation

A few years ago when I was working in the corporate world I enjoyed a successful career in sales and loved what I did, had great relationships with my colleagues and felt happy and optimistic about where I was in my life.

However, as time went by things began to change. Suddenly I was no longer excited by my job and didn’t understand what was going on. I struggled to understand why I no longer felt fulfilled. What was missing? Then it dawned on me, I had lost my motivation!

So I set out to regain my motivation and along my journey I learnt that it’s the people who find the strength to pick themselves up who go on to be stronger than ever. These are the people who go on to achieve their goals and the life they desire. I came up with a powerful formula that not only helped me but hundreds of other high achievers to regain their motivation fast, to take control and make their careers and lives more exciting and meaningful.

How motivated do YOU feel today? If the answer is ‘not very’, now is the time to seek ways to increase your motivation and start moving your life and career in the right direction. Life is short, let me help you achieve the successful and meaningful life you deserve!

Send me a message and let’s begin an exciting new chapter in your life and career.

#motivationalcoach #motivation #success


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