Dr. Winston is a Lifelong Action Learner and is keen on sharing his knowledge with others around the globe. He serves as a Board Member with over fourteen organizations. He facilitates Executive Management Mentoring/Coaching in India and globally.?He looks forward to inspire, empower and motivate people to be better citizens. Let us put our hands together for DR. Winston as he gets ready to inspire us.
We were privileged to have Dr. Winston speak to us on 20th June on the Importance of Lifelong Learning on an Action Learning Mode for Coaching.
Action Learning is based on the concept that we humans have a natural drive to explore, learn, and grow thereby encouraging us to improve our own quality of fulfilled, happier, and fully engaged in life long learning.
?Through this session we understand who the Pioneers of Action Learning are and how it was evolved to be a powerful in organization learning to transform them to have live successful case studies. We will proceed to have an open forum for an interactive session to discuss the formulae for action learning.?
Other nuggets we gathered along the way were:
- Our success in life should be measured more on what we have achieved on the Social Life front rather than the Professional front?
- The concept of Action Learning took its genesis from the movie "The Titanic"?. When this ship "Titanic " was built, its builders boasted that this ship is invincible, despite which it sank after hitting an iceberg in April 1912 in which many lives were lost. A commission was instituted to go into the details of this disaster. Dr Revans was the Chief Investigating Officer who was supported by his son Prof Rich Revans. The findings of this investigation revealed that all departments engaged in the building of this ship never discussed with each other that a disaster will strike. Hence " COMMUNICATION " plays an important role for successful outcomes despite encountering challenges
- In ACTION LEARNING three or four members of each organization come together to come out with solutions to a problem they are facing. In ACTION LEARNING, sets were formed with 3-4 people in each set. The people in these sets had to identify a problem in their work space. They had to do research on the challenges they are facing. Then come up with a solution. These solutions were discussed within the team.
- The uniqueness of this ACTION LEARNING approach was that each individual had to ask questions to themselves ( Q factor)?and reflect on these questions and share their reflections with others
- Each set had an ADVISOR who acted as a Coach and the ADVISOR encourages the participant how to ask a question?
- The key benefit of this ACTION LEARNING program was that individuals could share their success stories which had a rub off effect on others and thus they served as CHANGE AGENTS
- The formula for ACTION LEARNING is L=(P+Q)3 where L is Learning; P is Programmed Knowledge , ie , the knowledge one had before coming to the program and Q is the Power of asking Insightful questions?
- ACTION LEARNING and LIFELONG LEARNING are complementary to each other
- As Coaches we all should become Lifelong Learners. We Coaches have to be the Change Agent and act as Catalysts. We Coaches need to facilitate the process of reflection, putting on the thinking caps
?To continue learning access the following pages:
- https://wial.org/
- https://www.winstonjacob.com/