The importance of knowing when to stop and where to stop !

Remember #sunny ? Gavaskar of course ! The day he announced retirement everyone cried "yeh dil maange more" ! Now, remember when #kapildev was almost forced to make the same announcement ? Both were much popular cricketers other wise. The only difference was - Sunny knew when to stop and where to stop.

Being in academia for some time now, I do keep attending various #conferences , #seminars and training programs. One common thing that I noticed about the speakers is, they don't know when to stop! "#Shruti" (listening) and "#Smriti" (remembering) being our traditional way of learning, the speakers go on and on about the first one. However, it results zilch in terms of the second aspect.

We all know that our attention span has decreased and these days its around 10 mins only. So, the respected speakers, its great that you received an opportunity to address the crowd , you got the mic....may be after eagerly waiting for it for long long years....but, if you do not remember to STOP at the right time, the crowd will lost interest to hear you for the next time! and you will find more articles like this in social media !


