To the amazing followers of my monthly newsletter, “Science of Getting Rich” I felt you deserved the single biggest enhancement from where you are to where you want to go. It takes an open mind, but I can promise you when you’re done, you will realize that how we treat people and how we act matters. Enjoy! Please use the single click "SUBSCRIBE" button for future exclusive articles. This article may take some time to digest, but I've put it in the hands of scientists trying to find reasons it's not accurate or not scientifically sound and so far it's held up. I'm sure at some point it can be revised slightly but for the most part, this is sound evidence of karma existing and how to use it as rocket fuel for hitting your goals. But this article requires your game face! Emotional Intelligence is becoming more and more important with the addition of AI, so I'm giving this audience my best. Thank you for reading and enjoy! If someone has wronged you, read on to find out how bad their life has become.
Through my years of studying abundance, I believe I have found something that is worth paying attention to. Because life can be joyful for some and miserable for others. But why? Why can one set of circumstances be favorable to one person, and the same set of circumstances be crushing to another person?
The answer we typically hear is, “it depends on your attitude” or “it depends on whether you are a positive person or a negative person.” In fact, these types of answers seem totally on-point and completely rational.
Outside of the common saying, “karma is a b*@$!” we really don’t discuss karma much. But for those of us who believe in karma and have experienced the unexplainable power of karma, good and bad, it wasn’t enough to simply believe, we wanted to measure this phenomenon. We organized our combined experiences into subjects and gave each subject a correlating number, relative to how much influence/potential that subject has in our everyday lives.
We call our calculation the Karmic Multiplier Index or KMI. (copyright & patent pending) There are six categories that make up our index. Those categories are outlined below. In Part One of our Three Part Series, we will outline those subjects/categories and assign them a number. In Part Two, we will share our calculation for those numbers. And in Part Three, we will summarize our findings.
Below, we share our base multiplier which we call the Ego Multiplier. This multiplier is something we generally must overcome for any of the multipliers to work. Will we decide to stay stuck in our minds and ignorance? Or will we decide to turn things around and gain self-awareness by doing our best to stay positive? Each multiplier builds on the last and some might argue these multipliers are in perpetual motion and constantly moving up or down. What our model suggests is a karma spectrum, not necessarily an exact point. Our ideas are meant to be suggestive only.
Ego Multiplier = 0x — Survival, negative, demanding, narrow focus, short-sighted, entitled, ignorant.
Decision/Physical Multiplier = +1 x— Generally positive, accepting, open-minded, honest, humble enough to be taught, generally carry a smile.
Decision/Physical Multiplier = -1x — Continued negativity, pessimism, closed off, feeling justified for being negative, poor body language, not teachable.
Social Multiplier = +2x — Accountable to another person, willingness, actively learning from mentor, confidence, friendship.
Social Multiplier = -2x — Isolated, blameful, gossiper, make excuses, wet blanket types, extreme sarcasm.
Emotional Multiplier = +3x — Learning emotional intelligence, taking the higher road, mentoring another, serving, prompt for schedule.
Emotional Multiplier = -3x — Bullying, manipulation, guilt/shame, lying to self, lying to others, and lying to loved ones.
Financial Multiplier = +4x — Learning about the way money works, actively seeking to better our financial condition.
Financial Multiplier = -4x — Ignorance about money, controlling with money, already have all the financial answers.
Spiritual Multiplier = +? — Law of Attraction, light attracts light, consistency, feeding our soul with purpose driven material like self-help books, etc.
Spiritual Multiplier = -? — Hate, racism, blame, addiction, pornography, cruelty to others/self, self-harm, dark attracts dark.
In Section 2, we will combine these multipliers with data and share our numeric findings. We will also unlock the Spiritual Multiplier.
In this section, we attempt to quantify karma. What I call karma, you may call something else. I have heard karma referred to as spirit, universe, God, or maybe you call it something different. What we are aiming for here is to give ourselves a baseline, a spectrum designed around our behavior.
In section 1, we shared our baseline multipliers with you and today we will share the totality of those calculations. It’s important to remember, as with anything in life, there is a potential positive outcome (+) as well as a negative (-) outcome. There is light in our behavior, and there is dark in our behavior. This is not an exercise in judgement of anyone’s routines or behavior. But you will be surprised how often we are faced with choosing the light or choosing the dark.
As a refresher, our stages are as follows: The Ego Stage has a baseline multiplier of zero. The Physical/Decision Stage has a multiplier of +1 or -1. The Social Stage has a multiplier of +2 or -2. The Emotional Stage has a multiplier of +3 or -3. The Financial Stage has a multiplier of +4 or -4. The Spiritual Stage naturally should have a multiplier of +5 or -5, right? Wrong!
We are going to measure a years’ worth of behavior (365). Using our descriptions from yesterday, here are the findings using characters “John” and “Jane”.
When John is in a rough patch, in a funk, and has a bad attitude, he finds himself in the Ego Stage, which has a zero multiplier. 365 x 0 = 0 John finds anything that he does a zero, because anything multiplied by zero = zero. John just thinks bad luck follows him wherever he goes. John’s attitude needs to be more positive. But it’s easy to get stuck.
Jane, on the other hand, practices positivity and even though she has problems, she generally stays positive and practices acceptance. Jane also has an open mind which just by positivity alone, breaks out of the Ego Stage and enters the Physical/Decision Stage which has a multiplier of 1. 365 x 1 = 365.
Jane also has a mentor that she admires. She opens up to the mentor and asks for accountability. This is a massive step for her and scores her a 2x multiplier from the Social Stage. 365 x 2 = 730. Jane meets John and that’s great for John. John opens up to Jane about how he’s feeling, he breaks out of the Ego Stage and begins to emulate Jane’s behavior. They discuss emotional intelligence and together they start a book club. This blasts them both into the Emotional Stage with a 3x multiplier. 365 x 3 = 1,095.
The first book they choose for their newly formed book club is a book about finance that explains how money works. They both stay humble, keep all of their behavior from prior stages, and commit to actively making a couple of changes financially. The Financial Stage has a 4x multiplier. 365 x 4 = 1,460.
John and Jane add a friend to the book club. Let’s call him George. George recommends they read a book that Tony Robbins wrote that’s very inspiring and creates a well-rounded template for daily living. They all commit to being teachable and implementing the new changes they’ve learned.
A couple of weeks go by. They have all been consistently living these changes. They find they are very happy, and opportunities seem to be finding them. It almost feels strange so many good things are happening. Our last multiplier took us to 1,460. The trio of book club mates are entering the Spiritual Stage, which multiplies the number they bring into the stage by multiplying it against itself. In this case 1,460 doesn’t get a 5x multiple, it gets 1,460x multiple. 1,460 x 1,460 = 2,131,600.
We are suggesting that living a well-rounded life filled with humility, learning, and positivity…a person has 2,131,600 positive opportunities per year. That breaks down to 177,633 opportunities per month. Further breaking down the time shows us 40,992 per week. Positive opportunities find our positive minds 5,840 per day. 243.33 per hour. 4.05 per minute. And 1 positive opportunity finds us every 15 seconds when we are living a positive, humble, willing life.
The opposite findings are just as powerful. If we are living in a “shadow” state of mind, closed off, having all the answers, and demanding of others, we can just as easily find ourselves in a -2,131,600 situation. The adversarial force works through us. It’s not that we are evil people. It’s simply a matter of attracting like electromagnetic energy associated with our thoughts. If we are going against our intuition, going against our gut, and not being kind and positive, we can attract a negative thought every 15 seconds.
We have all seen people spiral downward in all walks of life. This author was one of those people. Living a -2,131,600 life is painful and experiencing hell at that level of life is extremely hard to break away from.
At a basic level, we are going to attract a positive thought/opportunity every 15 seconds if we are in a positive state of mind…or…we are going to attract a negative thought/opportunity every 15 seconds if we’re negative. Light attracts light (+) and dark attracts dark (-).
Is this karma calculation going to win the Nobel Prize? Probably not. But we hope this starts a larger conversation of exactly how karma might work. The power of the Spiritual Stage multiplier makes the positivity in your life legit and takes the number of opportunities from barely over a thousand, to over two million.
The little things are the big things!
If we stay positive and keep an open mind, we are 1/2 way there already.
In the final analysis of the functions of karma, we find ourselves gaining clarity on the power of karma. Day One we went through a description of the multipliers along with the behaviors associated with each multiplier. Day Two we did the math to establish a baseline, a spectrum.
I have been accused of being na?ve, but I always try to see the best in people. In my heart, I don’t believe most people are bad people. On one side of our spectrum, we have a negative -2,131,600. I don’t think too many negative people we know try to be that way, I really don’t. Of course, like with anything, there are exceptions. But I don’t believe there are too many people waking up thinking, “I’m going to be a first-class, grade-A jerk today.” Let’s think of someone we know that’s just a beast and seemingly negative at every turn. At the end of the day, that person is contributing over 2 million (-2,131,600) negative impressions out to the universe. Every 15 seconds they are contributing to the problem and not the solution.
If my numbers are even remotely on-point, isn’t that person indirectly fudging with my day and with your day? If the entire planet laid down at night contributing the same, negative sort of behavior that’s the opposite of healthy, good, positive karma, the world would come crashing down. Humanity would be comprised of a bunch of jerks. NEWS FLASH: welcome to 2022. I mean, are we that far off? As much as I like to see the good in people, I think the sort of people reading these articles and wanting to improve their life, isn’t very high. Our collective energy is important. Everyone matters. Said differently, everyone’s attitude matters.
Now that’s play the other, more obvious, side of the coin. Is there anything amongst the characteristics of the multipliers that’s not attainable? Isn’t nearly every positive characteristic simply a matter of deciding how our attitude and outlook upon life will be? Let’s run through them to orient our memory…multiplier 0 is simply how we decide we’re going to act that day, how we feel, etc. Multiplier +1 is generally just a matter of accepting life on life’s terms and realize having a poor attitude never got credit for any award or merit of any kind. Positive attitudes are responsible for every person that made their first million or six figures. Even billionaires will credit a positive attitude as a pre-requisite for success.
Multiplier +2 is about humility in the social arena. More specifically, asking another person to mentor or teach us, followed by asking for accountability of the knowledge you learn. This is again about finding out what we may not know, but highly attainable. We don’t need to gain any additional resources to be able to hit this multiplier. +3 is the Emotional Stage. This is where we learn what emotional intelligence is through serving other people and learning what the higher road looks like and feels like. Nothing too complicated.
At the +4 multiple, we find ourselves in the Financial Stage. And finally, we hit a multiplier that requires more learning and possibly buying a book or two. This is the first multiplier that may need to be outsourced. We can’t just decide in our minds to be more financially sound…it takes some effort to gain skills and capabilities…essentially, we learn tricks from those who are more experienced in finance than we are. When I was audited by the IRS in 2016, I went in search of people that could help me. I didn’t know who to trust with my finances. I went through dozens and dozens of people but didn’t easily trust. That’s the reason I became a licensed fiduciary and entered the financial world, which also consisted of deep tax training from leading experts.
The final stage is the Spiritual Stage, and this stage happens naturally by having all of the other multipliers on-point. This stage will multiply whatever score you entered it with. In the illustration, we entered this stage with a score of 1,460 (based off multiplying 365 x the multiplier) and we were rewarded with a multiplier of, not 5x, 1,460x was the spiritual multiplier, which gives us 1,460 x 1,460 = +2,131,600 opportunities per year that will produce positive karma in our life and contribute to the collective karma of mankind.
So, the only multiplier that may take gaining some knowledge outside of our own knowledge is the Financial Stage, multiplier 4. If we remain ignorant about money, we really hinder our own progress. So, I’ve put my resources together, and we are offering a free book about how money works. The book is written at a 14+ year old level, so people like me, who only have a 9th grade education can understand. It’s very basic and very eye opening about teaching the concepts that the big companies know that we, as individuals and families, don’t know.
Every 15 seconds, whether you are behind a computer or driving, you have an opportunity to make a micro-decision about which route you want to go, the way you think you should by following your intuition. Or you take the other shortcut that goes against your gut feeling. Either way, your energy is becoming positively charged or negatively charged and that can be the difference between riches or attracting the wrong type of people.
For questions or feedback you can find the writer at: [email protected]