Importance Of Internal Links In SEO For Website Growth 2022

Importance Of Internal Links In SEO For Website Growth 2022

Reading time: 6 mins 10 sec

Today we will discuss the importance of internal links in SEO in this article.

SEO has become such a word in today's time that everyone who belongs to the online world knows very well.

For those concerned with digital marketing, it is very important to understand and know about it.

SEO has many such terminology and features, which is very important for any blogger or content creator to know.

In this, there is such a feature of SEO when it is considered very important and its name is internal links.

Internal links are links between different pages on your side.

If a reader comes to the website, then he can easily go from one page to another with the help of these links.

It is also considered an important way to rank articles in search engines.

That is why today we are going to tell you what is internal links in SEO in this article?

Or why is it necessary?

We will try to understand such answers in this article.

Apart from this, I am going to tell you here that there are many ways to do internal links in WordPress.

But the best way you can do this work is very easy.

So let's get started.

What Is Internal Links?

For the growth of any website, it is very important to have a sufficient and right amount of internal links on it.

It is very important to have a balance between these two, neither should it be more nor it should be less.

There are many bloggers who create many internal links in the related posts section to link their articles.

But this method is not quite right.

If we try to understand it in other words, then the internal link gives information about another page of the same website and shows the way to go there.

The main reason for using it is navigation.

The better we plan the navigation on our website, the better will be the user experience of our website.

Anchor text is very important in internal links, it is its identity that tells what is in the link.

Uses & Importance Of Internal Links In SEO Website

Internal links are most useful for three reasons.

- To create the structure of your website.

- Your website allows the user to navigate.

- It also helps in creating a hierarchy of all the information on the website.

In this structure, the internal link is created between the main page and other pages.

This is good because it allows link ranking power to travel across the entire website.

Thus the ranking potential increases for each page.

This is a common structure using which large sites divide it into categories and subcategories.

Internal links and backlinks are both different, do not get confused in this.

Benefits Of Internal Links?

Although there are many benefits of internal links.

Out here I am going to tell you about those benefits which directly affect the SEO of your website.

- The search engine ranks the pages of any blog according to its links.

?Any blogger can also create backlinks through these, due to which the page rank of your website becomes good.

- By creating internal links, all the articles on your website are deeply linked to each other, so that their indexing is done in a better way.

- If your website has the right internal links, then it also reduces the bounce rate in your website.

What is bounce rate - If we understand bounce rate in simple language, then it is a factor by which we can find out what the user does after reading your post.

Why does he go to another page of your website or open another site or close your page?

The lower the bounce rate, the better for your blog.

internal links play a big part in reducing this.

In any blog, such an internal link should be created that attracts your reader and he clicks on that link and goes to another page of your site.

So that he stays on your website for maximum time.

Your blog benefits a lot by creating an internal link in the middle of your post with the right anchor text.

You are giving new information to the user in your article, he can get detailed information about a particular keyword.

Users will go to your new page from which the page will link.

- internallinks also help a lot in On-Page SEO.

On-Page SEO notices everything for keywords in a single post.

It notices whether your heading, keyword placement, content quality is all right or not.

Due to this, the overall value of your website increases.

internal links pass the link juice from one page to another.

So in terms of SEO, it is considered very good for your website.

That is why SEO experts say that it is very important to link your old article with the new one.

You can get maximum link juice for your website with the help of internal links.

Crawling any article is very important.

If it isn't crawled, the search engine can't find it.

Due to this, it will not come in the Google search engine.

Internal links help a lot in getting any article crawled.

This greatly increases the chances of getting the article on the search engine result page(SERP).

How To Do Internal Links

While doing internal links, many bloggers make such mistakes, due to which they do not benefit from it.

Below are some tips that you can follow for how to do internal links in a better way.

- You should always link the relevant post internally, this increases the chances of the user to read the internally linked article.

- If your blog is on a single niche or micro-niche then it is very easy to do internal linking in it.

- internal links I always link to web pages related to anchor text.

- Like you are doing internal linking on on-page SEO.

Then you have to link your internal to the same article in which on-page SEO has been told.

- Link the important web pages on the site in as many articles as possible, this will improve the ranking of your finished pages.

- While doing internal links, also note that do internal linking on the keyword of your other articles.

- You also have to always keep in mind that you should not link too much internally in a single article.

By this, it happens that your user gets confused.

You can have 10 to 15 internal links in a normal.

Apart from this, you can easily do 30 to 40 internal links for your pillar post.

- internal links do follow this, allowing the link juice to pass easily to other web pages.

Many times what happens is that we delete any of our blog posts or change the URL of the post.

In such a situation, a broken link is formed.

Check the broken links in your post and remove them.

Advantages Of Internal Links

Internal linking is considered very important from the point of view of SEO.

For which you get many benefits, here below are some such benefits that you should know about.

- internal links reduce the bounce rate of the block.

- internal links are very important to increase beach view.

?Many times we have to face indexing problems in Google, but with the help of internal linking, you can get the block indexed fast.

- internal links are improved on-page SEO.

- internal links also play a big role in increasing the organic traffic of your website.

- internal links the link juice is passed so that by doing internal linking in your blog, the ranking of the website improves.

How To Do Internal Links In Blog

Here I will tell you about how to do internal links on WordPress websites.

I also believe that Wordpress is the most popular CMS system in the world.

In which about 60%-65% of the world's websites are made in wordpress.

So that, step by step process

- First of all, select the text to which you want to link the internet.

- After that, you have to click on the link option.

- You can also give a direct link or you can also give an internal link SEO by searching the keyword related to the text.

What Not To Do With Internal Bound Links

You should not use automatic internal linking tools or plugins that are not good.

There are some reasons why they are not good such as:

- Any plugin or internal linking tool starts doing internal linking without understanding.

Which links are best for the page requiring the most juice or linking.

- internal linking helps the user to navigate the related content on your website.

But plugins never think to add internal links whether the content is related or not.

- Can create exact match anchor text internal links overnight through these plugins on your website.

Which leads your website to penalty.


Today in this article we have understood the importance of Internal links in SEO.

You are a blogger or content creator, you should know about the internal links and how it can impact your website.

If we use it smartly on our website, then it is considered as a big factor of ranking for us.

Because of this, any search engine sees our website completely organized.

Do you also have a website but you do not create internal links on it?

Where did you know about internal links on google or on youtube?

You should understand it as important and must use it on your website.

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