The Importance of Internal Comms During External Challenges
Embracing the elephant in the room
In times when the world beyond work becomes increasingly worrying, organizations often fear facing the demoralizing reality – creating an elephant in the room. During these troubling times, effective internal communications play a crucial role in keeping employees informed, connected, and motivated during such times. However, it is essential to acknowledge the shifting priorities and concerns within the organization, including the impact of inflation and market volatility.A survey from Ragan communication indicates a shift in perception regarding leadership's recognition of the value of internal communications, possibly due to the market volatility and increased focus on financial decisions.
Focus on well-being
During external struggles, employees may experience heightened stress and uncertainty. Internal communications should emphasize well-being initiatives, providing resources, tips, and support to help employees navigate personal and financial challenges. Regularly communicate the availability of employee assistance programs, financial planning resources, and mental health support services. Show empathy and understanding to foster a sense of belonging and support.
Two-way communication
In the face of external struggles, internal communications become even more critical for organizations. Encourage open dialogue and feedback from employees. Provide channels for employees to express their concerns, ask questions, and share suggestions. Actively listen to their feedback and address their concerns promptly. This fosters a culture of transparency, trust, and engagement, enabling employees to feel valued and heard.
Highlight company performance
While financial decisions and budget cuts may be necessary, it is crucial to balance them with communications that highlight the company's performance and prospects. Share updates on achievements, milestones, and success stories to instill confidence and trust in the organization's ability to weather the storm. Transparently communicate the steps taken to mitigate the impact of economic struggles, emphasizing the company's resilience and long-term vision.
Reinforce organizational values
Economic hardships can create anxiety and erode trust. Internal communications should reinforce the organization's core values, emphasizing the company's commitment to its employees' well-being and the shared purpose. Communicate how the organization is aligning its actions with its values, showcasing initiatives that demonstrate care for employees and communities. This helps to build a sense of unity and common purpose during challenging times.