The Importance of Inclusive Hiring Practices for People with Disabilities
The above picture shows a woman in a wheelchair at a desk smiling with colleagues working in the back ground.

The Importance of Inclusive Hiring Practices for People with Disabilities

It's important to recognize that people with disabilities are a valuable and often untapped resource in the workforce. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 15% of the global population lives with a disability.

Still, people with disabilities are often excluded from employment opportunities due to various forms of discrimination, including negative attitudes and misconceptions about their abilities. Whether they are veterans of war or survivors of debilitating diseases, it’s important to give these professionals their due.?

So Why Hire Inclusively?

Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or any other characteristic. By creating an inclusive workplace, we can help to address systemic inequalities, break down stigmas and stereotypes surrounding disability, creating a more accepting and equitable society.

By actively seeking out and hiring people with disabilities, organizations can tap into a diverse pool of talent that brings unique skills, experiences, and perspectives to the workplace. For example, a person with a physical disability may have developed exceptional problem-solving and adaptability skills.

These skills help them navigate a world that is not always designed to accommodate their needs. Similarly, a person with a developmental disability may have a unique perspective on communication and collaboration that can enhance team dynamics. In a post-pandemic world especially, people with disabilities have proven they can be just as productive as people without disabilities.

Workplace Culture

It's also important to note that inclusive hiring practices are not just about recruiting people with disabilities, but also about creating a workplace culture that is supportive and accommodating for all employees.?

This may involve making physical modifications to the workplace to ensure accessibility, providing flexible work arrangements, and fostering a culture of respect and inclusion.

Inclusive hiring is there to remove as much bias as possible when it comes to recruiting workers in your company. Even in a professional setting, people tend to have an unconscious bias, this can affect how they interact with each other and becomes apparent when they decide who to hire.?

Best Hiring Practices

With a broader understanding of unconscious bias, your company would be able to provide a more inclusive hiring practice and attract individuals with a unique talent.

Of course, implementing inclusive hiring practices requires more than just good intentions. Organizations need to take concrete steps to ensure that their recruitment and hiring processes are accessible and welcoming to people with disabilities.

Creating Job Descriptions

Creating job descriptions using gender-neutral language will help focus on the skills and qualifications needed for a position. This will help to ensure that you are not excluding any candidates based on their gender identity or other personal characteristics. Using gender-neutral language in job descriptions can also help to broaden the pool of applicants and attract a more diverse group of candidates.

Make Your Job Postings Seen

Reaching out to diverse communities, creating partnerships with diverse organizations, and possibly providing incentives for employee referrals are some ways to ensure that you are attracting a diverse pool of candidates.

Furthermore, include a statement in your job postings that your company is an equal-opportunity employer and welcomes candidates from diverse backgrounds. This will help to communicate your commitment to inclusion, and lets candidates know that they are welcome to apply regardless of their situation.

Make It Accessible!?

Create an application process that is accessible to candidates with disabilities: This includes making sure that your online application forms are designed with accessibility in mind, such as the ability to enlarge text and navigate with a keyboard. It may also include providing alternative application methods, such as accepting applications via email or mail.

Implement Blind Hiring Practices

This involves removing personal information from resumes, such as name, gender, and age, to reduce the possibility of bias in the hiring process. This also helps to ensure that candidates are evaluated based on their skills and qualifications alone. Inherent bias curbs progress from happening.

Train Your Hiring Team

Ensure that your hiring team is trained on diversity, equity, and inclusion: It is important that your hiring team understands the importance of your goal and aims to identify and eliminate bias in the recruitment process. This will provide a guide to ensure that all candidates are evaluated fairly and that your recruitment efforts are inclusive.

Offer Specialized Income

Hourly workers with disabilities can face additional challenges when it comes to budgeting, as their income can vary based on the number of hours they work each week. Budgeting can be especially challenging for those who rely on public benefits or have high medical expenses.

Listen to accounting for budgeting tips when it comes to hourly workers, especially for people with disabilities. Hourly wages are particularly difficult for people with disabilities, as there may be days when their disability hampers them from working. Salaried wages may offer more of a safety net.

Promote Fairness

Evaluate your job offers and compensation packages to ensure they are competitive and equitable for all candidates: It is important to ensure that your compensation packages are fair and that they do not contribute to disparities in pay based on disabilities or personal characteristics.

Monitor Your Recruiting Metrics

This includes tracking the demographics of your applicant pool and new hires, as well as monitoring the effectiveness of your recruitment efforts. This can help you to identify areas where you may need to improve your efforts and to ensure that your recruitment efforts are inclusive.


Overall, inclusive hiring practices for people with disabilities are not only the right thing to do from a social responsibility standpoint, but they can also bring significant benefits to organizations, employees, and society as a whole. By embracing diversity and inclusivity in the workplace, organizations can create a more innovative, productive, and equitable world.

Steve Gerecke

3D 180 360 VR & Photography & Photogrammetry - Event/Travel/Tourism/VR Tours & News - Drone, Stereo and 360 cameras

1 年

Thanks for this article! Hope it's ok to add... I must say, though, as a photographer/designer and a person in a wheelchair... I simply can't stand stock images such as these. A lazy photographer rented a chair (or lifted it from shopping mall/hospital) and stuck a model in it (likely able bodied) instead of hiring a person that actually uses a chair. Thoughts?


