The Importance of Human Connection
I?find myself being pulled further and further away from technology.
Yet, incessantly pulled back into its clutches.
Nothing is all that appealing on Instagram anymore. I’d rather read a book. Or have a conversation.
Maybe that’s just it. The craving for real human connection.
We all go through it. The attraction for opposites.
Over a decade ago I worked from home. Was attracted to going to the office. Then a few years ago, went back to working from home. Now I’m going back to an office.
Which is why I’ve seen for years the balance of home and office coming into play. Because we do want to be around people, just not all the time. We like a change of pace, just some of the time.
Then we want to have our own say in the matter on when we do things. Whether that’s with our tv, work, or play.?
Now there is a time and place for having things scheduled. For having a live event. For making it a special occasion.?
And yet, it’s still hard to fill seats. Still difficult to get things done. Still hard to have people show up. Yet they will. They’re looking for that experience. That something special.
We’ve lost this art. When things have been easy to come by. When technology has allowed us to be lazy and not think problems through.?
The people who fully think through the entire life cycle. Every touch point. Every interaction and engagement. Those people win.?
In an era that lacks humanity, it’s humanity that wins. Because without it, we are all just random acts. Irregular bursts of spontaneity.
Post here and there. Story every so often. A photo now and again.
Yet our lives are consistent. They are planned and regular. They are uneventful most days.
We do our work. We go home. Rest. Do it all over again.
We want to feel special because our days often aren’t special. We look forward to something that is special. So we make it any way we can.?
Any interaction or engagement you have with any person, made special stands out. Because everything is bleak. It’s all very boring, until it’s not.
Until it’s entertaining. Until it’s something worth paying attention to. Otherwise we are bored and move on.?
All I’m getting at here is we are tired of tech. Yes we need it to help us do our jobs, but there’s such a big push for offline. For shaking hands and kissing babies.?
So wherever you can grow your human connection, do that. It’ll be worth it.?