Importance of Hope in Life
Lakshya Saarthi promotes mental health awareness and community building, aiming to break stigma and promote well-being.
According to positive psychology creator Martin Seligman's 20 years of scientific research, hope lessens feelings of helplessness, increases happiness, reduces stress, and enhances quality of life. With a positive mindset, hopeful people can tackle even the worst of times. That is why, along with spirituality, hope is one of the most significant psychological traits. Nevertheless, hope has numerous health benefits. That, for example, considerably enhances our mental wellness. It helps us deal with stress and worry because it brings positivity.
To be hopeful means to have a positive outlook on the future and to perceive chances in obstacles rather than challenges in opportunities. To put it another way, it means to "look on the bright side of life." It is the ability to anticipate the potential good in future events, even when those occurrences may be destructive. Indeed, hope, according to positive psychology expert Barbara Frederickson, "opens us up" and allows us to focus on the positive. The polar opposite of optimism is, of course, despair and dejection. And the health effects are dire.
Hope does not imply mindlessly expecting good things to fall into your lap. It is also unrealistic to expect you to magically avoid every potential hazard. To be clear, hoping is not the same as wishing. That's blind hope, and it can lead to accidental harm (for example, avoiding going to the doctor for a chest problem because you're too confident everything will be fine). Many people have a negative attitude towards hope as a result of "false hope" and "blind hope." People frequently assume that optimistic people are stupid, even dumb, and that they believe good things will happen when they never will.
When you don't feel your efforts will be rewarded (when you're hopeless), you won't put up much effort. Consider going to the gym every day while sincerely believing that you will never be fit. What a bummer. Consider yourself optimistic that you will end up looking and feeling fantastic. That attitude will motivate you to work out harder, and as a result, you will be more likely to achieve your objective. Hopelessness is the polar opposite of hope. And this poses a major risk to one's health and happiness.
The most optimistic people on the planet are also among the most motivated. If you were utterly hopeless, you wouldn't even try to do anything constructive because... well, you'd fail, right? So why should you bother? Everything seems pointless without hope. You are motivated by hope. It's the inner voice that says, "Yes, you can." It is the voice that motivates you to work hard, learn new things, and try new things. According to Hope Theory, a psychological theory of hope, when we are optimistic, we are given the drive to make positive choices and conduct positive activities that will lead us to success.
Hope is vital to one's health, happiness, and success in life. According to research, optimistic people are more likely to live fulfilling lives and love life. Furthermore, through reducing stress, hope helps to lower the risk of many of the primary causes of death (high blood pressure, heart attack etc.).