I always knew that having a well-organized, trained, and collaborative team is important for any workplace or project, but I never knew that it would be so hard to create it.
agency is still very young, but it took us years in order to find the right talent and create a team that will work together so well. Here is what I learned from this journey:
- 1. Finding the right talent - Probably the hardest step since you need to find the right talented person who has the potential and willpower to grow. This is not easy since many talented people tend to work with large and successful agencies, so we need to offer them something they don't. That is not a high salary but a decent salary with the opportunity to grow, make connections, learn, and live a happy, stress-free, life.
- Creating a team - Just by having talented people doesn't mean you'll have a successful project. They can't all be Messi/Ronaldo because a team full of them will lead nowhere. No one to play defense, no one to be a goalkeeper. You need a balanced team of people with different potentials that can grow in different areas of expertise. But besides skills, they also need to bond and connect with each other in order to make the team achieve its full potential.
- Launching a project - After we gathered a perfect team, now we need to coach them in order to launch a successful project. This is another thought step since the team needs to learn to collaborate and share thoughts and opinions in order to achieve the best results. Many inexperienced or vain leaders will try to micro-manage them, but you should inspire them and give them the courage to try things and learn themselves instead.
There are many ways to create a successful team and everybody needs to find one for themselves by trying, learning, and most importantly, listening. This is the way I found that works for my team and me, so hopefully someone can get inspired from this on their own.