Importance of Good Customer Service
Jaime Ojeda - Automations Specialist
I Help Businesses Generate More Revenue Through Trained Sales Bots and Automations | 24.2K+ Connections!
"We need more customer service training for our family friendly programs!" is a common statement made by managers. So, once again, expensive training programs are implemented, encouraging staff to provide outstanding customer service to guests of all ages. Some improvement is noticed, but it isn't long before service levels drop to what they were before the training. Of course, professional training is important, but so often, simply going back to the basics of customer service provides lasting results.
Customer service has never been more important than it is right now. In today's competitive business environment, customers expect so much and are more prepared to take their business elsewhere if requirements are not met.
A recent study has determined simply How essential a high level of customer service is, the survey showed that 85% of a company's customer base could be lost due to bad customer experience.
Poor customer service could likewise damage a business's reputation. This makes sense when you consider the (relatively) recent social media boom into account. Customers are now free to broadcast their dissatisfaction to the masses across the internet through the many social platforms available to them.
For these reasons, it makes sense for business owners to ensure that their customer service departments are fully trained and holding themselves to high standards.
Initially, this may seem like a strange suggestion, but this may very well be a means of actually improving customer service. Upon closer examination it becomes evident that premium VoIP systems do in fact have features that can significantly improve a customer service department.
During my time as a customer, I have been on the phone with a number of customer service departments. From these experiences, I can tell you that line interference and the misunderstandings that come as a result are some of the most infuriating aspects of dealing with customer service. Implementing a VoIP system could help with these by providing HD audio quality.
Another great benefit with a VoIP system is that all calls can be recorded, therefore allowing you to go back and listen to them to ensure that your employees are treating your customers right.
There are many more benefits to implementing a VoIP system, some directly affecting customer service and some not. However, it is well worth investigating exactly How a business VoIP system could benefit you and your business.
To find out if your reputation is in danger, how you can safeguard it, and how to build as well as promote a 5-star reputation, visit this link for your free $197 Reputation Report.