The importance of goal-setting
Natalee Pearce M. Ed, B. Ed, Dip.Ed, NPQML
Associate Assistant Principal
I think perhaps the thing most people find most interesting about me, is the fact that I am extremely creative. As a science teacher, I can't begin to tell you how many times people have been surprised that I can sing or dance or write poetry or novels. It is almost as though the notion of someone having the ability to create cannot be reconciled with them also being analytical and methodical. I suppose this leads me to my article.
I have never liked the idea of being pigeon-holed as being this or that and the captions and labels afforded me through life, because of the colour of my skin, my ethnicity, my gender, and my roles, do just that. I have always enjoyed not being what everyone thinks I am or should be, and let's face it, some rules are meant to be broken. Limits are for cars and ok perhaps even for sound barriers.
Perhaps the start of a new year, is what always allows me a chance for a reset, though I reset many times a year in my life. I always set myself both personal and professional goals both short term and long term. It is important that if you are ambitious, and if you recognise that your full potential has not been maximised, that you decide for yourself, where you want to be in a year, 5 years and even 10 years. then decide what are the steps that you need to take to get you where you need to be by then. Don't base your goals on what you have or have not already achieved, on what you think your limitations are , or on what society or anyone else (including you) have told you that your limit is. Base your goals on that passion in your heart, that thing that makes your heart sing, that tiny voice that says to you, "You can do it. Dare to dream."
I am in leadership today because I listened to that small voice. Don't allow a label put on you by society, limit where you will reach. You have heard it said, the sky is the limit. Well let's see what we can achieve for 2022. Let's see what lies beyond the skies, and when we discover that, let's keep aiming higher and higher until we are so far above everyone's expectations, we can no longer see the naysayers below us. Go for gold.