Importance of flies, bees,and insects
We see so many birds chirping around us but hardly we see any dead one laying around. Sprinkle half a tea spoon of sugar in the corner of your kitchen and soon you will see ants around them. Where were these ants till now and where the dead birds are. Sitting in the thought bar this week is about the food chain.
?A food chain often begins with a plant because it can make its own food. This type of link on the food chain is referred to as a producer. The first animal to eat the producer is referred to as the primary consumer?An example of a simple food chain is deer consumes?grass as an herbivorous animal?and a lion consumes a deer as a Carnivorous animal. This?passing of energy from the sun to plants to animals to other animals?is called a food chain
Deceased small birds blend into the background you could be within 5 metres of one and easily miss it, especially as dying animals crawl into hidden spaces like under bushes and fall asleep, forever. Many are also eaten by predators and all that remains is a small circle of feathers, quickly used by other animals as nesting material. Finally, nature disposes of corpses very quickly, with mammal scavengers, insects and their larvae, bacteria and fungi recycling them within a few days.
Food chain ensures that anything edible left in the garden overnight is gone the next morning, and by chance anything is left is eaten by the crows in the morning. Law of nature says most environmentally friendly way to deal with a dead body is to eat it. This is also why we don’t see dead birds – they are eaten, in nature’s efficient and sustainable way of recycling and tidying itself up.?
Imagine?a common sparrow that can lay on an average 15 eggs a year we must be coming across dead sparrows all over, but this does??not happen ??because the nature ??balances ??itself. ?When insects and??moths enter ?our???house ??we ??spray???chemicals ????on ??them ??to kill them ?????sometimes we????get????stung ??by an??????insect ??and ??develop???rashes ???and ?wish they never existed can we live without them NO ,NEVER.
Picnics would be better and so will be gardening but will the world be a better place if the insects disappeared NO, NEVER because 90% of them are harmless to the humans and are good for our mother Earth. They say if the insects disappeared from the earth so will the humans, ants alone weigh more than all the humans put together and all the insects alone will weigh more than 300 times the weight of humans.
In 1958 the Chinese leader Mao felt that sparrows ate too much grain and China could do without such pests. Thus, he decreed that all sparrows be killed, this campaign known as smash sparrow is the worst ecological disaster known to mankind. In the food chain, the sparrows were actually feeding on the locusts that had been infesting the crops. When the sparrows were killed?there was no predator to feed on these locusts leading to a disaster killing 45 million people by famine in China.
Flowering plants needs pollination, insects make this happen by transferring pollen from a male anther to a female stigma this job is largely done by bees, wasps, butterflies and flies. What ever be your food habits Vegan or non if the insects disappeared you have no chance of survival in the long term
Nature is designed to have relationships ?plants and animals ?survive on interdependence. In fact, the more isolated a species is in nature, the closer it is to death. Thriving is always done in relationship with others because nature is designed as an interdependent system