The Importance Of Family In Organizational Culture

The Importance Of Family In Organizational Culture

Well hey there, it’s great to see you here as we wrap up the week and make that push to the weekend. With any luck we’ll have some good weather and be able to break out the fishing poles and the barbecue grills for some outdoor fun.?

But before we do that, I wanted to talk about your organizational culture. Earlier in the week, I caught a couple minutes of a recent episode of Shark Tank on TV.?

Now, I’m not a big TV guy, but the bit I saw caught my attention. One of the Sharks was saying that one of her biggest pet peeves was when she would go into the office and see people with of pictures of their families and loved ones on their desk.?

Apparently she thought that it wasn’t a good look for the overall aesthetic of the office.?

Now, I don’t want to speak to the company’s organizational culture from that limited 60 second clip on Shark Tank, but it got the gears in my head turning.?

In the culture my partner & I have created for example, we put a huge positive emphasis on family.?

When someone joins our organization we write a letter to the person’s significant other or spouse welcoming them to the family and explaining how happy we are to have them be a part of the group.?

When they hit a big milestone in their career, we send a nice gift to the house so their spouse, significant other, or family knows how big of a deal their accomplishments are.?

We want to include family, extended family, kids, significant others, whoever it is. We want them to feel important and to know how important their loved one is to us and our organization.?

If that’s something you and your team are already doing then great, keep it up. If not, there may be a chance to increase your engagement by looping in loved ones.?

So give that some thought this weekend. The Culture Junky sure will. Be good to each other out there.?


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