Importance of EOR in India as to hire full time Accounts and legal
NSquareIT Offshore Agency
NSquareIT offshore Agency - You spot the talent - We do the rest.
When starting a company in India, the first hire that?you would like is full-time Charter Accountant to manage accounts & legal. However?most bootstrapped startups are not in a position to hire a good & full time CA in the initial stages.
Doing business in any country is difficult and compliance, accounts & finance can be a sinkhole for a company owners/startup founders time. In India especially, the wet signatures, physical couriers & dealing with compliance websites can drive you mad. The amount of work needed to maintain a Pvt. Ltd. can be overwhelming without someone dedicated to run it.
Compliance can be super complex and it has a wide variety of things which are at times endless.
Also it is one of the areas where the internet doesn’t have that many articles or content to help you, especially in our Indian Ecosystem.
So EOR provider like NSquareIT Offshore Agency assisting you with Payroll, legal and accounts, you will?realise?that it is a win-win for both, since the company gets a lot of experience at a reduced cost plus not having to manage local?compliance either!