Importance of Encryption
Yair Munive
Director Software Engineering | Software Development Manager | Lead & Senior Software Engineer | Scrum Product Owner & Scrum Master Certified | Scrum Foundations Certified | Academy Professor | Ph.D. Computer Science
Encryption represents one of the most important tools available to help counter potential exploits.
Encryption means taking sensitive data and scrambling it so thoroughly it would take more than the attacker's lifetime to decipher it. This act of scrambling the data is called creating a ciphertext (it does not have to literally be text, since all data is bytes; even images can be encrypted).
The goal is to use an encryption algorithm that is good enough that it would take someone years to brute?force their way into the data. For example, brute?force attacks are often used to crack weak passwords. An attacker tries every possible word to attempt to find the password. A weak password could be discovered in minutes. But if the attacker has to instead generate every possible word and number combination, then the process could take years.
Where to Perform
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) created a handy cryptographic storage cheat sheet, which can be found on their website or in the references section of the table of contents.
The cheat sheet neatly summarizes that encryption can be performed on a number of levels in the application stack, such as:
Which layer(s) are most appropriate will depend on the threat model. For example, hardware level encryption is effective at protecting against the physical theft of the server but will provide no protection if an attacker is able to compromise the server remotely.
Symmetric vs Asymmetric
There are two basic forms of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric.
Definitions and Differences
Symmetric uses a single key file that is shared between anyone who needs to decrypt data. It’s considered the older and less secure, form of encryption.
Asymmetric encryption, also called public key cryptography, uses a public and a private key file. The contents of these are usually highly mathematical and involve prime numbers, especially for the RSA algorithms (more on that later in this course). The user only shares the public key, and never ever gives away the private key file.
Here are a few additional differences between the two approaches:
OWASP’s cryptography cheat sheet offers the following recommendations for symmetric and asymmetric algorithms:
The preferred algorithm for symmetric encryption is AES with a key that's at least 128 bits (ideally 256 bits) and a secure mode.
For asymmetric encryption, use elliptical curve cryptography (ECC) with a secure curve such as Curve25519 as a preferred algorithm. If ECC is not available and RSA must be used, then ensure that the key is at least 2048 bits.
Many other symmetric and asymmetric algorithms are available which have their own pros and cons, and they may be better or worse than AES or Curve25519 in specific use cases. When considering these, a number of factors should be taken into account, including:
Symmetric–key cryptography
Plaintext--> Encryption (Same Key)--> Ciphertext--> Decryption (Same Key)--> Plaintext
Asymmetric–key cryptography
Plaintext--> Encryption (Public Key)--> Ciphertext--> Decryption (Private Key)--> Plaintext
Three States of Data
The status of data is generally considered to be in one of three scenarios: at rest (such as a hard drive), in use (computer memory), or in transit (somewhere between the two).
At Rest
Data at rest refers to any data that is inactive and stored in spreadsheets, databases, cloud servers, hard drives, and so on. As OWASP notes, the first rule of sensitive data management is to avoid storing sensitive data whenever possible. But if you must store sensitive data, then it’s vital to ensure it’s encrypted to prevent unauthorized disclosure and modification.
Additionally, avoid storing all your data in one location. Keep data separate so that a compromised server doesn’t reveal all the data for the entire organization. For example, customer orders could be on one server while customer finance records could be kept on a different server with different security protocols.
In Use
It is inevitable that data in use, which refers to data stored in RAM or CPU cache, will eventually be accessed. Until that time, it should be encrypted. There are encryption APIs in some systems that can encrypt the memory in place. Some of the best ones don’t require a password and the API itself handles the encryption method and keys.
In Transit
Sometimes called data in motion, this tier represents the least secure of the three. OWASP recommends that when transmitting sensitive data over any network, end?to?end communications security (or encryption?in?transit) of some kind should be considered. TLS (transport layer security) is by far the most common and widely supported cryptographic protocol for communications security. It is used by many types of applications to communicate over a network in a secure fashion.
The primary benefit of transport layer security is the protection of web application data. TLS prevents unauthorized disclosure and modification of the data when it is transmitted between clients (web browsers) and the web application server, as well as between the web application server and non?browser based enterprise components.
Application Security Testing
Application security testing, or AST, represents an important process that helps identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in software. It’s vital that developers utilize AST and implement security as a default part of the development process. Here are a few AST best practices:
Key Takeaways
Proper data hygiene can be the difference between a secure, functional application and one that’s rife with security flaws. Encryption represents one of the most important tools available to help counter potential exploits, it means taking sensitive data and scrambling it so thoroughly it would take more than the attacker's lifetime to decipher it.
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