The importance of enclosure and industrial design for developing new products and prototypes.

The importance of enclosure and industrial design for developing new products and prototypes.

Microfluidic life science research by Mircod. Allowing the client to control over 40 liquids with a single rotational axis, prevent contamination, and reduce a multi-valve method to one.

MIRCOD believes in creating products that increase clientele brand awareness and establish a dominant image in the customer's target market, which translates into outstanding business profits.?

Enclosure design and their correct specification play a crucial role in industrial IoT projects. For some projects, it makes sense to use a standard enclosure to keep costs down. However, other tasks may require highly specialized housing to meet specific requirements.

Automatic station designed to replace animal drug testing with in vitro methods based on human cells and organs.

To accommodate the requirements of any client, it is vital to define an accurate statement of work (SOW). To prototype and create an appropriate enclosure for biotech instruments, we must analyze a significant amount of data related to advanced materials. Analysis of competing technologies and possibilities for particular parameters is absolutely mandatory before designing.

Reliable device development and manufacturing for inhalation treatments by MIRCOD.

All processes of R&D are heavily dependent on industrial design. The purpose of an industrial enclosure is to position and retain electrical, mechanical components and equipment while protecting them from external and internal conditions. The more we focus on what the enclosure/casing/housing will contain, where it will be installed, and how it will be used, the more complicated the questions become.

Wearable thermometer by MIRCOD. Real Time, Round-the-clock temperature tracking for up to 7 days.

?Based on our experience, the success or failure of a project depends on fully understanding the device usage requirements and, in many cases, on specifying the correct enclosure. A product's industrial designer adheres to conclusions based on the wants and needs of consumers, creating state-of-the-art visualization necessary for the marketing and sales team to achieve their KPI goals.

Properly industrially designed products visually "communicate" with the end user.

A transdermal patch that slowly releases insulin into the body through the skin by MIRCOD.

?MIRCOD industrial designers and advanced materials engineers target the strengths of innovation in best manufacturing practices, even when the market is filled with many similar options and products.?Another challenge we need to deal with is that manufacturers and customers alike expect the industrial design team to create equally valuable products to meet both mentioned above stakeholders (manufacturers and customers):?

  • Cheap and easy to produce!
  • Don't infringe on existing patents!
  • It looks and feels futuristic and unique!

Access Control System, latches and locks by MIRCOD.

It is essential that the distributor makes revenue from the sale; at the same time, customers should perceive the product as "worth the money." All the above must be balanced against the current and strict industrial standards (ISO, cGMP, CE, FCC, FDA, etc.).

Last Mile Delivery in Pharma Supply Chain by MIRCOD.

For example, failure to specify a suitable enclosure for use within a miniaturized innovative medical device can result in the need to reapply for FDA approval.?

Viral production by MIRCOD.

Biotech equipment connected to oxygen could suffer even more severe consequences if the wrong level of functional integrity is selected to protect electrical systems in the event of a fire.?

In the idea-to-market cycle, MIRCOD's optimized and interactive framework can synchronize design, fit, and structure with criteria from various domains.



