The importance of Employer Branding & Company Reputation
In today’s increasingly fast-paced and ever-changing business world, where we’re all collectively working to thrive, success can many times be dictated by competition and reputation.
Staying relevant is very much important, but being trusted is, recently, even more. We know the consumer is informed and more independent – there are many options available and consequently, people choose brands that they relate to and trust.
Trust is highly connected to reputation. And this trust is nowadays not only connected to the product or service itself. It is connected to the morals of companies and their part in the community. This applies to all stakeholders of a company: from investors to suppliers, to employees, to consumers.
So, understanding how reputation can really affect the success of a business is easy. But improving your company’s reputation is another story!
The part companies take in their community and how they treat their workforce are two main aspects when we discuss business reputation in 2022.
People expect more, and businesses need to follow!
Sustainability is a top priority worldwide, and corporations are very familiar with the famous SDGs. We all know we aim to fulfill them, and we all understand their importance, but sometimes the path to achieving them can get confusing.
That’s where UPNDO enters this conversation – we are here to make the path towards employer branding & company reputation a little bit easier, and a lot more fun and engaging for companies worldwide.
We know that effective implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Wellness and Wellbeing can bring a wealth of benefits to an organization regarding reputation and employee satisfaction while contributing to the SDGs our bosses keep reminding us of.??
So, while your employees become more engaged, healthier, more connected to your company culture, and involved in CSR, your company is increasing its recognition as a quality employer and a positive active participant in the community – you attract more talent, your employees and customers become more loyal, and the world clearly sees the benefit in your existence.
Furthermore, because UPNDO can connect companies worldwide, it is also an amazing way for multinational corporations to strengthen their brand and position themselves uniformly, by uniting the group in the same values of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Well-being.