Importance of employee engagement and happiness for an Organization
Truebiz Learning Info Solutions LLP
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The World Happiness Report 2022 places Finland as the happiest nation for the fifth year in a row, while India falls to 136th place (10th from the bottom of the list). Europe is home to the top five nations on the list. While the United States was ranked 16th among the happiest nations. India's economy may be among the fastest growing in the world, but it is also one of the least happy.
Happiness has evolved into a crucial indicator to monitor for both nations and businesses over time. Chief Happiness Officers have been hired by several forward-thinking companies, including Google, Amazon, and Airbnb. Raj Nayak, Founder of and House of Cheer Networks, said, “There is overwhelming evidence that shows when people are happy in an organization, their health is better, the attrition levels are lower, involvement level is higher there is more connectedness and better collaboration, people are more creative and highly productive, all of which has direct bearing on the company’s bottom-line,” he added.
Most surveys indicate that workers are seeking meaning in their work, opportunities for personal and professional growth, and a boss who will actively coach them and put more emphasis on their strengths than their faults. But all they get is a yearly performance assessment, along with a lot of criticism of their shortcomings. As we understand numbers better so Jim Harter at Gallup puts it in this article that he found when company do employee engagement. Results are bulletined below
Hope these figures help you understand the value of employee engagement clearly.
A happy and engaged workforce is considered to be the single biggest benefit in the modern economy by Shawn Achor, author of the book The Happiness Advantage. He bases his argument on research showing that happiness increases productivity and revenue by 31% and 37%, respectively.
Jessica Pryce-Jones, the author of the book Happiness at Work, is interviewed in Forbes article. She emphasizes that satisfied workers are more energized, more engaged, and more motivated than their counterparts by 180%, 108%, and 50%, respectively.
According to a Swedish Netsurvey survey, businesses with a high engagement rate scored 4,7 out of 5 on the Swedish growth ranking index. Companies with bored employees received a 1/5 rating in the same category.
So, in order to inculcate such kind of work environment and culture, Truebiz has come forward and helping many big organizations with holistic well being and happiness leading to engagement of employees.
As all organizations are different in itself so, Truebiz has solutions that are not scripted but developed according to the need of different organization’s requirement. So, let’s make your organization a place where everyone is happy and engaged.
India deserves to be happier, we all need to be happier.