By Ashley Stahl, Originally Published in Forbes
As a career coach, one of the first things I want to know about a new client is the quality of their elevator pitch. The biggest problem they have? Not having something prepared.
For example, one of my clients thought she could just wing it and say she was looking for a job. The problem with vague statements like this is that they don’t provide any clarity to a prospective employer. Even worse, saying this can make you come off as needy or entitled, and you don’t want to embody that energy when talking to a new person, especially a prospective employer. Here are three tips that will help you develop a perfect 60-second elevator pitch.
- Share your story. This is your opportunity to shine and show what really makes you unique. Instead of listing all of your skillsets, shake things up and tell a quick story about yourself – the "why" behind why you’re interested in the work you do—that links to the skillset you’re using in your career. When you were a kid, did you pull computers apart and put them back together? This would lend itself as a great story for an elevator pitch of an engineer. You get the point!This life story will more than likely hold the interviewer’s attention and it will definitely help you stand out once all the interviews are complete and the potential job candidates are being reviewed.
- Do your homework. Once you’ve told your story, now it’s time to show why your skills are an asset to the company. Again, instead of regurgitating your skills list on your resume, this is another great opportunity to show how you can contribute to this specific job you’re applying for. Before your interview, take the time to really do your research on the organization and the roles therein… What role do you play in the company’s success? Examine how your skills can uniquely benefit them, or even help them solve a problem that you notice is current for them. Moreover, come up with a reason why you’d like to support that specific company.
- Have a goal in mind. You’ve shared what got you to where you are today, emphasized how you can be an asset to the team, and finally, it’s time to look into the future. While the typical, “where do you see yourself in five years?” question might seem open-ended, there are some key takeaways employers are listening for. Ambition and the desire to move up in the company is certainly a good thing, but you also don’t want to seem too eager to move on from the current role you’re interviewing for!It’s important to note that 54% of people stay in the same role for at least five years, so be sure to highlight why you want to be a part of the specific organization in that specific role, and let the discussion of promotions come up naturally. It’s key to show employers that the job you’re interviewing for isn’t just a pit stop to somewhere else—even though it is.
Just as you prepare for presentations or speeches, you must also put that same amount of love, energy, and practice into your elevator pitch. For some people, “selling” yourself can be a difficult thing, but you need to own your abilities! Now is the time to shine and show the world, and yourself, what you have to offer.
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