? Women's education is a general word that relates to the status of girls' and women's elementary, secondary, university, and health education. 65 million females worldwide do not attend school, with the majority living in developing and impoverished nations. Women may play a critical role in the growth of a country, so every country in the world, especially developing and undeveloped nations, must take the necessary steps to improve the status of female education.? If we imagine society as a tree, men would be like the sturdy main stem that gives the tree strength to withstand the weather, while women would be like the roots—the most crucial of all. The tree will grow larger and stronger, spreading its branches to provide shelter and protection for the less fortunate the deeper its roots go.
A culture can be evaluated by how its women are treated since women are the heart and soul of a community. While an educated woman, whether she leaves the house or not, improves the home and its people, an educated man goes out to improve society. Mother, wife, sister, carer, nurse, and other roles are all played by women in society. They are more understanding of social structure and sensitive toward the needs of others. A mother who is educated will prioritise her children's education and consider a girl's education equally to that of a boy's. History is rich with examples of communities that succeeded and expanded socially and economically when women were treated equally to men and received an education. We must not fail to include women in our pursuit of sustainable development, which can only be accomplished if both sexes are given equal opportunity in the workplace and other spheres.
?: Women who have higher education are more self-assured and aspirational, more aware of their rights, and able to speak out against exploitation and violence. If women continue to cry in silence, society will never advance. In order to carve out a progressive path for themselves as well as their families, they must possess the weapon of education.We shall go through some of the benefits of educating women and its beneficial consequences on society below.?: The Benefits of Education for Women and Girls
- Better Living Standards-One benefit of women and female education is a higher level of living for the family. It doesn't take a mathematician to understand that a family supported by two incomes is happier and more content than one supported by one.An educated mother will make as much money as the family's father and will take better care of their financial needs. A happy family will ultimately result in a happy community, which will increase the standard of life and ensure that the children have better facilities and education.
- Increased Hygiene and Health-In addition to having a strong sense of hygiene, women are more concerned than males about the health of their families. Even working women are continuously worried about the health of their family and won't take any chances with it.Simply because there are women in the home do men work for free, knowing that everything else around the house is taken care of while they only have to make money. Therefore, it is crucial that the woman who is raising your family and your children is educated so that she can identify any health risks and feel confident enough to take the necessary precautions to get rid of them.
- Honor and Dignity-A society is evaluated based on how its women are treated and how much education they have, as a woman is the dignity of a home. Only until a woman is capable of upholding her own honour and dignity will she be able to uphold those of her family. While an educated woman will have the self-assurance to fight for her dignity, an ignorant woman may lack the guts to speak up for it.
- Independence-A woman who has received education becomes independent, meaning she is not dependent on anyone for her existence or the survival of her children. She is aware that because of her education, she is capable of finding work on par with males and providing for her family. A woman who is self-sufficient financially can speak out against injustice and exploitation.
- Reducing Violence Against Women-By educating women, it is simple to eradicate many social ills and crimes against women. By educating women in a society, it is possible to remove detrimental customary practises like female infanticide, the dowry system, and the flesh trade. A well-educated lady is crucial to a civilised family because she shapes the members' opinions and worldviews.She will undoubtedly contribute to preserving the social fabric of the community by speaking out against domestic violence against other women or girls in the family. Female infanticide is against the law and is forbade by all major religions, hence an educated woman will never agree to it.
- Complete Development-Both developing and underdeveloped nations today aim for integral development because they have come to the realisation that true national development can only be attained when everyone is included on the path to advancement. If our women are not educated and given the authority to make decisions, holistic and sustainable development goals will be nothing more than empty rhetoric. Women must be given the chance to work side by side with males and encouraged to pursue the careers they desire, such as that of a doctor, lawyer, technocrat, scientist, journalist, adventurer, etc. Only then will we be able to meet our 2030 deadline for sustainable development.
- Women in Bureaucracy or Politics-Women who have an education will also become political leaders and champion the rights and justice of other women. Women in positions of authority in politics or government can combat injustice and other crimes against women more successfully, which will ultimately lead to a more equitable society.The objective of achieving global sustainable development by 2030 will be more attainable as more women work in government and politics. There are countless examples of women who have held and continue to hold powerful positions around the world and have made decisions that have improved the planet. Women's education will be especially beneficial to developing and poor nations.
A nation's economic and social success depends on educating its women. In homes and societies, women assume responsibility. They must be well-informed and vigilant about security issues because they are responsible for caring for their kids, relatives, and elderly housemates. A well-educated woman can influence society and her own home for the better. She is more likely to enroll her kids in school, raising the literacy rate of the country. Educating women has several benefits beyond improving national health and hygiene and the economy, for example. If a country fails to educate its women, it will never truly experience development.