Importance of ECRS, and ECDRS in process analysis
Nishan Jayasinghe
Executive Director Synergy ISO Consultancy Services Pvt Limited | SMART Energy Consultancy Services Pvt Limited
When various process operations are being conducted, input comes to each operation/step in sequence. In modern day Six Sigma Green Belt (SSGB) stage courses ECRS; (Eliminate, Combine, Rearrange, and Simplify) thought as a basic method of process analysis. Planned operational/process analysis to examine each element of 6Ms, associated with a process, ECRS plays vital role by being a handy tool to determine stepwise operations which are in need of transform inputs into the desired output. Also it provides immediate improvement suggestions.
Same as the FEMA, ECRS also needs team approach to deliver good results. There is a possibility of converting ECRS in to ECDRS; (Eliminate, Combine, Divide, Rearrange, and Simplify) with the SSBB professional’s experience, which is much specific tool; giving more options to improve process performances.
Eliminate (remove/ omit/ drop all unwanted)
Before eliminate any, need to identify the basic causes (root causes) which makes it necessary to element. Usually elimination priorities are given to aspects that results in a cost. Cost of quality requirements must be consider first in order to get the optimum returns from the study. Basic cause usually is the reason, purpose, or intent on which the elimination of the cost depends. Overheads, reworks, material costs, unwanted operational costs, unwanted operational steps, unwanted (non-critical documentation) of all kinds are possible subjects for elimination. The main requirement of elimination is to obtain same process performances with improved efficiency. When consider process steps (operations) for elimination, what makes this operation really necessary? and what function is served by this operation? questions are handy. Do not ask the question as why is this operation necessary? because it tends to justify and defend the job's existence. Operations/ steps for which, there is no basic cause that is unable to add value to expected operational improvements can be eliminated at once.
Questions used in elimination step
- What is the possibility to eliminate root cause/ basic cause?
- What is the importance of that step/ operation to the desired output?
- Why this fault/ failure happens?
Combination of operations/ steps
Though it is efficient to break down a process into many simple operations, overheads, documentations may have been carried too far resulting excessive handling of documented information, materials, tools and equipment. Such situations can be identified and corrected by simply combining two or more operations by making some changes in the operations. So when analyzing ECRS, team need to evaluate all the possibilities to combine process steps as relevant. Project leader; usually (SSBB) Six Sigma Black belt holder act as the director of combination of process operations/ steps. After the combination, it is good to plan a new project to evaluate the changes of process capabilities with the combination improvements.
Questions used in Combine step
- What is the possibility to combining this step with other steps?
- Can someone/ something else can do this?
- Can the same person/ same machine do several steps?
- Can we combine these documents?
Divide operations/ steps
When changing declared process setup, if it conducted without examining the design of the process, deviation of expected process outcome is probable. Division of the operations and steps can be practiced when the available process is having several critical quality points (CQPs) in it. Davison is effective to monitor step/ operational performances more effectively. Usually divide of operations/ steps increases process related costs, meantime improving the desired process outputs. Not as the others, because of embeds costs in division, special management approval may need to perform this type of improvement steps. Same methodology is practiced when HACCP determining several CCPs in single operation of a process.
Questions used in divide step
- What is the possibility to division of this step into other steps?
- Why this step isn’t divided at the first place?
- Are there/ what are the several critical quality points (CQPs) in the step?
- What type of/ how many costs can enter to the process with this division?
- What is the authority level requirement to implement this step?
Rearrange the operations/ steps
Rearrange is the least practical option in real world scenarios of applying ECRS to process improvements, due to initial process/ operation flow design analysis in PDCA cycle designing stage. Some process steps may be rearranged with the outcome of the ECRS.
Questions used in rearrange step
- What is the possibility to re-arrange this step?
- What is the possibility to re-arrange process flow?
Simplify operations/ steps
After the steps of Eliminate, Combine, Rearrange are done, the step Simplify is taken up. In the step the operation is simplified or improved. In other words, the over-all process level issues are examined first and then the detail of the operation is studied.
Questions used in simplify step
- What is the possibility of simplifying this step?
- What is the requirement of collected information by this step?
- Do we need all of the collected information by this step?
- Do all ifs and buts interferes in to?
- How do others do this?
- How will a layman look at this?
Because ECRS is a lean technique biased towards rapid execution, should have control over their implementation. do ECRS with the process team who does the work. When process need immediate improvements, and to produce quick practical ideas to make the process lean, Project team can use ECRS combined with many other techniques to come up with improvement ideas as Process Capability Calculations, POKA–YO KE, SIPOC Analysis, QFD Cycle Project Charter, CTQ, PPI, and FMEA.