The Importance of Durable Skills
Brian K. Creasman, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Fleming Co. Schools | 2020 Kentucky Superintendent of Year | AASA National Superintendent Certification | Published Author (6x) | Husband to Valerie and Father to Georgia (I'm her biggest fan!)
Did You Know: That employers in Kentucky, across the nation, and around the world are actively seeking employees who possess specific durable skills? The demand for these skills is exceptionally high, leading employers to face challenges in filling job vacancies and expanding their operations. The need for public education to focus on these skills is urgent for Kentucky to remain competitive in a rapidly changing global economy.?
District Vision:? In Fleming County Schools, fostering the development of these crucial "durable skills" begins as early as Kindergarten. One example is the year-end "Celebration of Learning" presentation, where students showcase their learning through self-created projects called "Passion Projects." This public speaking experience allows students to develop communication and presentation skills from a young age.
As students enter third grade, they embark on a process called "artifacting." This involves collecting evidence of their skill development on their personalized BRIDGE Performance Indicator (BPI) websites. These artifacts are regularly evaluated against grade-level expectations using a common rubric, ensuring consistent assessment practices across the district. As students progress through their academic journey, they continue to document their skill development by adding artifacts to their digital portfolios each year.
However, promotion to the next grade level is not solely based on academic performance. Beginning in third grade and continuing through grades 6, 8, and 12, students must demonstrate mastery of specific BPI requirements to be eligible for promotion. This focus on both academic readiness and skill development ensures that Fleming County graduates are well-rounded individuals equipped for success in their future endeavors.
Student data on "durable skills" is integrated into the district's local accountability system, known as the Measures of Quality. This transparency serves a two-fold purpose. First, it demonstrates the importance of the BRIDGE Performance Indicators (BPIs) in Fleming County Schools, showcasing their effectiveness in cultivating crucial skills for future success. Second, it provides valuable, localized workforce data for both employers and potential industries considering relocation.
Participation in the work-based learning program requires students to demonstrate mastery of all durable skills. This policy ensures a high level of preparedness among student participants. Businesses have access to each prospective student’s BPIs. This allows them to make informed hiring decisions based on the specific skill sets documented in a student's profile. This collaboration between schools and businesses fosters a win-win situation, preparing students for the workforce and providing employers in Fleming County and in the region with access to a pool of qualified candidates with the necessary durable skills.
Important Note: There's a critical need for a more relevant and localized accountability model in Kentucky. This model should address the specific economic trends and challenges faced by local communities, regions, and the Commonwealth as a whole.?
However, one thing remains clear: effectively assessing the "durable skills" outlined in the Portrait of a Learner requires a shift away from traditional methods. Multiple-choice tests, which prioritize rote memorization over skill application, simply aren't sufficient. Instead, we need next-generation assessments that are performance-based and aligned with real-world scenarios.
The current practice of relying solely on annual, standardized assessments administered in May doesn't provide the necessary depth of information. Moving towards a system of formative assessments, growth assessments, and real-world aligned performance assessments that specifically evaluate durable skills is economically critical.
By adopting an accountability model that provides real-time data, that includes students' durable skills, Kentucky can align its educational offerings with the specific economic needs of local, regional, and statewide markets. This data-driven approach will position Kentucky as a leader in workforce development, making it a more attractive location for industry relocation and ultimately fostering a more skilled and competitive workforce.
What Does the Data Show:
According to various surveys and studies, employers today highly value the following skills: