The Importance of Doing Nothing
This week, UNC students are on spring break. For me, spring break has always meant something different than it does to my peers. Every year I've had spring break, I have been home preparing for the upcoming lacrosse season or now fully competing in my lacrosse season. Whenever I tell someone that I am forced to stay in Chapel Hill for spring break they usually respond with “Ugh, that sucks! You can’t even leave for a few days?” No. I can’t. BUT I have been able to find the value in laying low during this week and embracing doing nothing.
During spring break, my only commitment is lacrosse practice for about three hours a day but nothing before or after. I’ve found myself becoming anxious as I lay in bed scrolling aimlessly on social media without any school work to do, but I keep reminding myself that it is OK to just lay and do nothing. I am constantly on the move so taking a step back has great value. I’m writing this post as I am on the plane to Louisville, Kentucky but felt that this valuable lesson is important to remember and can often times be forgotten. My dad always harps on it but I think I'm finally taking it to heart. It is okay to lay low and appreciate the feeling of doing nothing…it won’t always be that way.?