The importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Hitachi

The importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Hitachi

Masakazu Aoki

Representative Executive Officer, Executive Vice President and Executive Officer General Manager of Connective Industries Division Hitachi, Ltd.

(Japanese follows English.)

For over a century, Hitachi’s mission has been to contribute to society through the development of superior, original technology and products based on our core values, harmony, sincerity and pioneering spirit. During this long history, the portfolio of the group has expanded from product centric to a customer-centric and solution-based approach. We aim to be a “sustainable value creator” by bringing together reliable products, connecting them digitally, and offering a complete solution to our customers.

In my role as Head of the Connective Industries sector at Hitachi, I believe we are in a unique position to make a positive difference to our clients’ lives. We can leverage more than 110 years of experience and the diversity of our 320,000 employees based all over the world to enable the radical collaboration and innovation we all need to embrace for a sustainable and equitable future.

Importantly, I recognize that behind these strengths we need to bring together diverse perspectives and people that reflect all aspects of society to ensure that we create the solutions our customers collectively need. As the world becomes increasingly uncertain and more complex, with more natural disasters, more social issues and a pressing need for faster action on climate change, we know that we need to work harder than ever to create world-changing solutions and products.

There is a strong correlation between team diversity and levels of innovation. A recent study by BCG shared that ‘companies with above-average diversity on their management teams also reported innovation revenue as a percentage of total revenue that was 19 percentage points higher than that of companies with below-average leadership diversity—45% of total revenue versus just 26%’.

Traditionally, the Connective Industries sector has done business mainly in Japan, but it has globalized in recent years - particularly in North America. As we continue to expand our business globally, I believe that DEI, and specifically inclusion, is becoming extremely important.

I’ve seen the power of inclusivity firsthand. In my early 20s, I toured North America to promote our products. This was an amazing experience partly because I did not feel any discrimination – everyone treated me fairly, and I felt welcome to share my ideas and thoughts. This is the origin of DEI for me ?– and this is what I want to create for the Connective Industries sector today.

We are already working hard to build an ever more inclusive environment. Within the Connective Industries sector, our business policy is to promote Total Seamless Solutions approach globally. It is important to overcome differences in our various business characteristics and regional cultures to advance business as one team.

Take for example, one of our Japanese Senior Engineers, who had worked in Michigan City, the US in the past, and recently began leading a diverse team. This team is a global product development team, leading on several innovative new products, and is comprised of American, Japanese and Chinese colleagues. The diversity of this team has no doubt contributed to its capacity for innovation, with the varied life experiences and backgrounds of its team members driving the development of exciting new solutions.

This is just one of many examples within Hitachi that illustrates the power of inclusivity. That’s why I’m working hard with leaders from the Connective Industries sector and the broader Hitachi team to cultivate an environment where people can exchange opinions openly, and where each individual feels psychologically safe to speak freely.

Effective communication is vital to understand one another’s values. And I’m proud to announce that this week, Hitachi is launching our new Inclusive Meeting toolkit to help colleagues foster inclusion and a safe environment during our meetings, so that everyone is supported to share their perspective and make contributions.

While DEI Month has been a great opportunity for deeper engagement with DEI at Hitachi, our commitment does not end with November. Embracing and embedding DEI in our culture means that we must all commit to continuous learning and improvement. We are counting on all our colleagues to respect and value each other’s uniqueness and to contribute to our future success daily. Because together, we are stronger.


青木 優和

日立製作所 代表執行役 執行役副社長 コネクティブインダストリーズ事業統括本部長

1世紀以上にわたり、日立は「和?誠?開拓者精神」という日立創業の精神をコアバリューとして大切にしながら、「優れた自主技術?製品の開発を通じて社会に貢献する」ことを企業理念としてきました。また、この長い歴史の中で、日立グループのポートフォリオは製品中心から顧客中心へと拡大しています。 コネクティブインダストリーズセクターは日立が誇る強いプロダクトを集結させ、デジタルでつなぎ、ソリューションとして提供することで、「サステナブルバリュークリエイター」をグローバルレベルでめざしています。

私は、コネクティブインダストリーズセクターの責任者として、日立はお客さまに変化をもたらすことができるユニークなポジションにあると考えています。我々の110 年以上にわたる経験とグローバルに拠点を置く32万人の従業員の多様性を活かすことで、サステナブルで公正な未来のために必要な効果的なコラボレーションとイノベーションを実現することができると考えているからです。


チームの多様性とイノベーションのレベルには強い相関関係があります。BCGの最近の調査によると、「経営層の多様性が平均以上の企業は、イノベーションによる売上高が売上高全体に占める割合は平均以下の企業より19ポイント高かった - 平均以上の企業は売上高全体に占める割合が45%に対し、平均以下の企業は26%だった」ということが分かっています。

コネクティブインダストリーズセクターは、日本だけでなく、近年では北米を中心にグローバルでビジネスを展開 しています。私は、今後もグローバルに成長していく上では、ダイバーシティ、エクイティ&インクルージョン(DEI)、中でもインクルージョンが非常に重要だと考えています。


コネクティブインダストリーズセクターでは既に、よりインクルーシブな環境づくりに取り組んでいます。トータルシームレスソリューションをグローバルに拡大するという事業方針のもと様々な事業特性や地域文化の違いを乗り越え、One Teamとしてビジネスを進めています。


これは、インクルーシブの力を示す日立社内での多くの例のひとつにすぎません。だからこそ私は、コネクティブ インダストリーズセクターのリーダーたちや日立のさまざまなチームとともに、人々がオープンに意見を交換し、一人ひとりが心理的に安心して自由に発言できるような環境を育てるために注力しています。

お互いの価値観を理解するためには、効果的なコミュニケーションが不可欠です。 今週、日立が新たに「インクルーシブ?ランゲージ?ツールキット」をローンチすることを嬉しく思います。これは、社員がよりインクルーシブで尊重された方法でコミュニケーションをとることを支援するものです。

DEI月間は、日立におけるDEIとの関わりを深める絶好の機会ですが、私たちのコミットメントは11月で終わりではありません。私たちの企業文化にDEIを浸透?定着させるためには、私たち全員が継続的な学習と改善に取り組む必要があります。私たちは、すべての仲間がお互いの個性を尊重し、大切にし、将来の成功のために日々貢献することを期待しています。私たちは共に力を合わせれば、強くなれるのですから。Together, we are stronger.

Carlos Alberto Pagliari

Creating innovations through "will" and "actions" from customer′s perspective!

1 年


Venkatesh K

Major incident Manager

1 年

Hitachi Dear respected Hrs and Respected Company project managers, My name is Venkatesh K. Currently I am very actively looking for new job opportunities to grow my career. And I have a total of 6 years of work experience in ITSM- Under * Incident management/Manager * Major incident management/. Manager *Service request management/Manager * Very good knowledge in Problem and Change management.with minimal hands-on experience. ( reviewing the changes, approving the changes and moving changes to the next level approval (Technical and Business approvals), preparing the end-users outage notification comms before the change implementation, and facilitating and Charing the CAB meeting to discuss the changes providing the CAB approval, working with stakeholders, doing the final review of the changes and moving changes to the completed status in SNOW tool, and raising PCIR for failed chages for further investigations. If anyone has any roles/ jobs available in the above roles kindly do let me know and support me Below are the my details: Email address: [email protected] Contact number: +91 9535930236 Kind Regards, Venkatesh K.




