The Importance of Digital Marketing
photo courtesy of campaign_creators

The Importance of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has the power to help any business meet or exceed its goals in three ways. First, digital marketing helps establish an online presence. Second, it solidifies client relationships. Third, it opens doors for creativity.?

Online presence is crucial to any business’s success. A digital presence can help a brand to extend its roots deep into the online space. The internet has become a global billboard in a world thriving on technology. However, this billboard is not limited to the freeway. Whether we like it or not, the internet is a part of our daily lives. Whether for work, leisure, or shopping, the internet has expedited nearly every imaginable process—almost 85% of consumers research before they make an online purchase. About 74% of this research is conducted through websites and 38% via social media. (Forbes Agency Council, 2020)

Customer relationships are at the foundation of a trustworthy business. When an individual seeks to purchase from, sell to, or engage with a company, the consumer subconsciously wants to feel a part of the business. Digital marketing has made creating and maintaining these relationships simple. Customers can engage with a company anytime, whether it be an automated “Thank You” message, live chat on a website, or online scheduling.?

Creative content is the most efficient way to connect with an audience. It is infrequent for someone to come to?the company?for content; the company must go to?the consumer?and provide it. Creative content includes, but is not limited to – pictures, videos, music, flyers, or articles. No matter which form of content is created, connecting with each demographic in a target audience has never been easier. The younger generation can find a business on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter platforms. In contrast, some more “seasoned” individuals will likely see creative content in places like Facebook and online articles.?? ?

From this, we see the different avenues that digital marketing provides to a business. Digital marketing provides many avenues for companies to explore, including strengthening online presence, creating consumer relationships, and outputting creative content. These benefits, derived from digital marketing efforts, often prove instrumental in helping businesses reach their objective.


Forbes Agency Council. (2020, July 2). Building A Brand: Why A Strong Digital Presence Matters. Retrieved 10 2022, from Forbes:


