The importance of developing career resiliency
Finding a job at any time can be extremely stressful and even tougher in a challenging economy. Whether you’re on the hunt for a full-time gig in your field or you’re in the process of making a transition into a new career, the value of a positive and resilient attitude can make a huge difference.
…more than education
…more than training
…more than experience
Resilience determines who succeeds and who struggles.1
Resilience defined
Resilience brings security in a constantly changing world. It means anticipating risks and feeling comfortable with change. Resilience involves limiting damage during turbulent times, absorbing hard knocks, regrouping and bouncing back when the worst happens. It’s the ability to start feeling better and bolster your confidence after a setback. It’s remaining engaged in the midst of shifting challenges.
Resilience is a mindset
- It’s less about who we are and more about “what we think”
- Our mindsets or “mental models” directly influence how we view the world and how we view ourselves in the world
- This view influences how we respond to adversity and stress with a healthy response or an unhealthy/unproductive response
- The strength of our resilience mindset and the force of our behaviours enable us to influence or shape our environment
You can build resilience
Resilient people aren’t necessarily born with a unique ability to bounce back or forge ahead. They are ordinary people who learn behaviours, attitudes and work patterns that allow them to keep going and growing, even in difficult or uncertain times.
By learning to become more resilient, people can bring new power, direction and energy to their careers. They can be more comfortable in dynamic environments where change is constant and the traditional ways may no longer work. When people gain resilience, they can create a more successful career path and at the same time find greater enjoyment in all aspects of life.
Kerry Hannon recently wrote in Forbes magazine about the six essential steps needed to develop career resilience.
- Get connected. Develop a strong network of positive relationships. Don’t wait until there’s crisis, but start now to methodically extend your circle. Go out to events even when you don’t feel like it. Join groups. Recruit mentors and find ways to mentor others. Look for ways to support friends, colleagues and even casual business acquaintances. And know that they will be there to accept, support and inspire you during the hard times.
- Choose optimism. Positive people are more resilient than pessimists, and you can work to become more optimistic. A starting point is to stop thinking so much about what goes wrong and start focusing on what goes right. Keeping a journal can help you do that. If you notice that the same old worries and regrets keep going through your mind, write those thoughts down and decide whether you want to let them go or address them in some way. Start keeping a record of the good things. At the end of each day, write a few lines about what went well and what you’re most grateful for in your current situation.
- Learn something new. To deal effectively with change, it helps to be engaged in changing yourself. The most innovative and resilient professionals tend to frequently engage in learning or improvement efforts. When you’re in the process of learning, your viewpoint changes and you spot connections that you never noticed before. If you don’t know what to do next, start learning something new.
- Think like an entrepreneur. Know that you own your career and that nobody else is going to chart your path. Even if you feel like a cog in the middle of a big organization, you can run your career like a one-person business. That will help ease your transition, if you need to make one. Think about your brand, recognize who your customers and bosses are and be clear about what they pay you for. Look for new ways to add value, in effect expanding your range of product offerings.
- Look at the big picture. Let go of your preoccupation with this week and think about how success might look for you five years from now. Know that your career can’t soar when you’re neglecting the rest of your life. Write a brief personal vision statement, make a list or draw a diagram touching upon your most important values and the key parts of your life. Even when you’re engaged in a career crisis you will feel better if you can keep your perspective.
- Get in shape. Your career is influenced by everything you do to stay in shape – physically, emotionally and spiritually. To do your best work, and to build the resilience that will keep you going, manage your fitness and energy level, as well as your time.
A positive and resilient approach to your career pursuits can help you achieve your goals. And remember…keep going! You got this.
1 Michele M. Tugade, Barbara L. Fredrickson, and Lisa Feldman Barrett, Psychological Resilience and Positive Emotional Granularity: Examining the Benefits of Positive Emotions on Coping and Health Journal of Personality Volume 72, Issue 6, pages 1161–1190, December 2004
Thomas Labelle is a Certified Career Development Professional (CCDP) and Certified Career Coach (CEC). Currently, he is a career and employment development coordinator at Mount Royal University.
Mount Royal University Career Services programs are available to all MRU credit certificate, diploma or degree program graduates. Learn more at
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7 年When you're in the middle of an employment crisis the last thing you need is your own mental state becoming a barrier to your success. Working on personal values, mental toughness and fitness should always be top priority whether you're in a crisis or not.