The importance of consistent Plasma maintenance..

The importance of consistent Plasma maintenance..

Proper maintenance is essential for optimizing the performance of your CNC machine. Just as with any equipment, diligent care and upkeep not only enhance the quality of the work produced but also extend the lifespan of your machine.


By regularly inspecting and cleaning both your table and your Plasma you’re not only enhancing the performance of your machine by ensuring smoother, more precise cutting but there are many other benefits, such as:


-??????????? Creating a safer workplace by eliminating hazards that can be caused by neglect. These can be things like faulty connections and electrical hazards, toxic gas leaks and fire hazards caused by debris.


-??????????? Reducing your operating costs!

Keeping a well-maintained machine means things like materials and consumables will last longer. Your cuts will be more precise resulting in less wastage and your consumables will not be working overtime and burning out as quickly.


-??????????? Reducing the amount of time your machine is out of action due to unexpected machine faults and issues, waiting on things like parts or a technician all have a massive impact on your production schedule and therefor costing your business money.


Making yourself a checklist to follow for when you are carrying out this maintenance is a great way to ensure you are covering all bases, you could also keep a logbook of any issues you come across so you can refer to this next time, making it easier to identify any reoccurring issues and distinguish a common cause or pattern.

A good example of a checklist should look like the below:

table 1:1



