Lessons from the most successful marketers to the affluent. What really works for attracting more wealthy clients.

Lessons from the most successful marketers to the affluent. What really works for attracting more wealthy clients.

The key to marketing that brings you tangible results, is to find something you enjoy doing. Most marketing fails not because the strategy was wrong, but rather because the individual simply gave up.???

A couple of points to keep in mind.???

First, marketing - especially to the wealthy - takes time.????You need to adopt the mindset that you’re in this for that long term. We all have a tendency to overestimate what we can achieve in a day and underestimate what we can achieve in a month.?

The second point is that you need to know your numbers.?

How much does it cost you to get a new client????

?? That number drives how much you can spend on marketing.

For example, if a typical client is worth $25,000 to you, a very conservative rule of thumb would be that you can spend $25,000. The idea is that any viable marketing plan will yield more than one client, so it’s pretty easy to recoup your costs. The more you can “go negative” before you need to make a profit, the more you can invest in marketing.?

If you know your numbers, you’ll have the confidence to continue, and perseverance is critical for success in attracting more new affluent clients.

Make sense??


PS: I’m taking on a few private coaching clients this fall. If you’d be interested in working with me there’s information HERE about how that program works.?


Next Trend Realty LLC./wwwHar.com/Chester-Swanson/agent_cbswan

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