The Importance of Conducting Regular Business Impact Analysis

The Importance of Conducting Regular Business Impact Analysis

All entities should create a business continuity plan as part of their risk mitigation response to possible crises or disruptions. This would detail the procedures and steps that must be followed as part of comprehensive measures that include clearly defined strategies to maintain essential operations.?

The BCP is a guide that helps to reduce risks, mitigate incidents and recover quickly, and the most resilient organisations use an integrated, well-planned and smoothly implemented approach.

Typically, a BCP comprises a risk assessment and impact analysis plan, which evaluates and identifies possible risks such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, power outages and pandemics. The risk assessment and impact analysis present a comprehensive review of the organisation as a whole, but also evaluate the impact these events have on specific business functions, departments and processes.

The business impact analysis (BIA) is another vital component of a BCP. It examines critical business processes and functions within an organisation to determine the financial, operational and reputational impact of any disruption.

A BIA is an extension of the risk assessment. The latter aims to identify risks, whereas the business impact analysis will attempt to predict the impact the identified risks may have on the business. The BIA would define recovery time objectives and recovery point goals.

As part of an immediate reaction to a crisis, an emergency response and incident management plan should be developed well ahead of time. An important component, often neglected, is the crisis communication action plan, which would include protocols for the response team and the steps needed to minimize the impact of an incident.The plan would typically include contact lists, channels of communication, emergency contacts, authorized communication channels and spokesperson hierarchies.

The Communication and Stakeholder Management Plan identifies key stakeholders - internal (employees) and external (customers and suppliers as well as regulatory agencies) - and provides guidelines on how to communicate with each segment.

In the event of a crisis, the communication plan goes into overdrive, sharing vital information with stakeholders and including instructions on rapid responses such as evacuation procedures on how to activate the emergency systems.

Business recovery strategies describe the steps involved in restoring critical business processes and functions. This could range from alternative work arrangements to data backup and recovery strategies and to relocation and resource allocation plans. This plan also addresses the possibility of external dependencies such as vendors and suppliers and outlines backup supply chain procedures to maintain continuity.

A BCP would not be complete without a plan for training and testing that is reviewed, updated, and tested regularly. Business continuity training programmes make sure employees know their roles and responsibilities and are prepared to mobilise if needed. The training programme also includes regular simulations and testing exercises to evaluate the plan's effectiveness and identify areas that need to be modified or changed.

The importance of rigorous testing and improvement cannot be stressed enough. Organisations need to regularly update their infrastructures and integrate new technologies to safeguard their assets, integrating them into business continuity and risk mitigation strategies. A valuable tool for improvement is running simulations and tabletop exercises to identify gaps and constantly refine procedures.

In a nutshell, the BCP should be viewed as a dynamic document, one which is constantly updated to reflect the changes in the risk landscape and the tools to manage and mitigate threats. The plan maintenance and review process should include developing a schedule for these tasks and the assignment of action and responsibility for each item.

When properly executed, the business continuity plan significantly enhances the resilience of an organisation, hedging against risks, preparing for potential interruptions, reducing downtime and safeguarding assets.



